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mechanical environment in cell response. / Tissue engineering, analysing the design of ceramic, polymeric and biological scaffolds and meshes in tissue regeneration, including the interaction scaffold-tissue. / Cell biophysics, studying cell transduction and signalling mechanisms, derived from the mechanical environment (deformation, stiffness of the substrate...) and of the intra-extramembrane electric potential. / Design of bioreactors for biomimetic stimulation of cell cultures with special focus on the application of controlled strains and flow. / Development of microactuators, microfluidic networks for the study of cell biology under in vitro biomimetic environments. / Design, fabrication and development of novel in vitro diagnostic systems based on microfluidics. / Micro-technology for life science applications.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Sáez P., García A., Pena E., Gasser T.C., Martínez M.A. Microstructural quantification of collagen fiber orientations and its integration in constitutive modeling of the porcine carotid artery. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016.
• De Miguel D., Gallego-Lleyda A., Ayuso J.M., Pejenaute-Ochoa D., Jarauta V., Marzo I. et al. High-order TRAIL oligomer formation in TRAIL-coated lipid nanoparticles enhances DR5 cross-linking and increases antitumour effect against colon cancer. Cancer Letters. 2016;383(2):250-260.
• Ayuso J.M., Virumbrales-Munoz M., Lacueva A., Lanuza P.M., Checa-Chavarría E., Botella P. et al. Development and characterization of a microfluidic model of the tumour microenvironment. Scientific Reports. 2016;6.
• Olivan S., Calvo A.C., Rando A., Herrando-Grabulosa M., Manzano R., Zaragoza P. et al. Neuroprotective effect of non-viral gene therapy treatment based on tetanus toxin C-fragment in a severe mouse model of spinal muscular atrophy. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 2016;9(AUG).
• Manzano S., Armengol M., Price A.J., Hulley P.A., Gill H.S., Doblaré M. et al. Inhomogeneous response of articular cartilage: A three-dimensional multiphasic heterogeneous study. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(6).
During 2016, the group maintained the research lines established in previous years but a strong effort has been carried out to focus its activity more to the public sector. Several research projects have been granted during 2016 to carry out research for life science applications. Thanks to that effort, the group obtained public funding around EUR 350.000. Some of the projects are:
• European Projects: An integrated pilot line for micro-fabricated medical devices. InForMed. ECSEL Joint Undertaking.ECSEL-2014-2.
• National Projects: Diseño y mejora de dispositivos intravasculares recubiertos de fármaco mediante una herramienta computacional. Aplicación al diseño de stents y balones en lesiones estenóticas. / Respuesta del tejido corneal al tratamiento del cross-linking. Aplicación al tratamiento del queratocono. / Desarrollo
de un sistema basado en microtecnologia que integra co-cultivos celulares organizados, andamiaje especifico y microsensores: Hacia un modelo in-vitro de riñón. / Desarrollo de un sistema portátil y de bajo coste para la detección de contaminantes en alimentos basados en microfluídica. / Industrialización de
un dispositivo microfluídico para la determinación in situ y cuantitativa del consumo de drogas de abuso
en saliva. Brioapps ALPHASIP; D.G.A / SMART_FOOT: Sistema de apoyo a la planificación preoperatoria de cirugías de pie y al diseño inteligente de prótesis plantares personalizadas. / Estimulación mecánica local de células mesenquimales de cara a su diferenciación osteogénica y condrogénica en medicina regenerativa. / Incidencia de los fenómenos de transporte en la hidrólisis enzimática y aplicación de mecánica de fluidos computacional en problemas de escalado (MIXING).
• Other Projects: CA701- Heterogeneous INCEPTION. Catrene Organization. – PneumoSIP- Acost effective Solution for the Rapid Diagnostic of Pneumonia. PHC-12-2014. Clinical Research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices - Therapy Optimization in Glioblastoma: An Integrative Human Data-Based Approach Using Mathematical Models. James S. McDonnell Foundation, Collaborative activity award.
Research Groups 77
• Patents: SU-8 micro coriolis masss flow sensor. P100233NL00 / Dispositivo para la medida no destructiva de propiedades físicas asociados al estado de conservación de objetos. U201630453 / Sensor, dispositivo y procedimiento para la determinación de la concentración de solutos en disoluciones. PCT/ES2016/070764.

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