Page 76 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
P. 76
leaD reSearcher
Martínez Barca, Miguel Ángel
Universidad de Zaragoza
Calle Pedro Cerbuna, 12 50009 Zaragoza
(+34) 876 555 252 [email protected] group Website
Staff members: Mena Tobar, Andrés | Oliván García, Sara | Sanesteban Gracia, Aitor
Associated members: Alcaine González, Clara | Bayod López, Javier | Calvo Calzada, Begoña | De Gregorio Ariza, Miguel Ángel | Doblaré Castellano, Manuel | Fernández Ledesma, Luis José | Grasa Orús, Jorge | Hamdy Doweidar, Mohamed | Lanchares Sancho, Elena | Malve, Mauro | Ochoa Garrido, Ignacio | Palanca Martín, Daniel | Peña Baquedano, Estefanía
Contributors: Ayuso Domínguez, José María | Calavia Calvo, José Luis | Guerrero Giménez, Rebeca | Laborda García, Alicia | Llamazares Prieto, Guillermo Alejandro | Lostalé Latorre, Fernando | Manzano Martínez, Sara | Marzo Mainar, Carlos | Monge Prieto, Rosa María | Morales Orcajo, Enrique | Mousavi, Seyed Jamaleddin | Sáez Viñas, Pablo | Sanz Herrera, José Antonio | Subaseanu Valentina, Roxana | Virumbrales Muñoz, María
Main lines of research
SOFT TISSUES: This line is focused in the experimental study of the mechanical and microstructural behaviour of materials mainly on biomaterials and biological tissue. The analysis of the composition, morphology, microstructure and macroscopic behaviour allow to develop advance constitutive law able to reproduce the main physical features of the materials. The principal experimental tests are uniaxial, biaxial, compressive, shear stress, indentation, inflation, tomography, histology, in order to capture phenomena such as elastic, viscoelastic, fatigue or softening behaviours. Histological and microstructural tests permit to extract important information to model and simulate the response of the tissue at microstructural or cellular level. Interactions of the tissue with biomaterials or medical devices have been also studied.
Concerning the cardiovascular research line, our group has a wide experience in the development of constitutive laws and also experimental characterization of blood vessels. Currently our research lines are focused on simulating multiphysics and multiscale phenomena. We have developed advanced constitutive laws to reproduce inelastic effects that incorporate microstructural information, which finally will determine the macroscopic response of the tissue.
MCROFLUIDICS: Modeling and simulation of the functional behaviour of tissues and organs with application in the evaluation of pathologies and surgery, pre-operative planning and virtual surgery. The main fields of application are related to the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system and other tissues such
as trachea, eye or breast. / Mechanobiology with emphasis on bone remodelling, bone healing and bone morphogenesis, implant osteointegration and wound healing, taking into consideration the effect of the
Biomaterials & Advanced Therapies