Page 78 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
P. 78
leaD reSearcher
Martínez Máñez, Ramón
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Instituto Interuniversitario de Investigación de Reconocimiento Molecular y Desarrollo Tecnológico Camino de Vera s/n, Ed. 5M 46022 Valencia
(+34) 96 387 73 43 [email protected] group Website
Staff members: Aznar Gimeno, Elena | El Sayed Shihata Nasr, Sameh | Garrido García, Eva Ma | Martínez Bisbal, Ma Carmen | Poyatos Racionero, Elisa | Santiago Felipe, Sara
Associated members: Benito Beorlegui, Ángel Francisco | Coll Merino, Ma del Carmen | Costero Nieto, Ana Ma | Gaviña Costero, Pablo | Gil Grau, Salvador | Lizondo Sabater, Josefina | Lozano Torres, Beatriz | Marcos Martínez, Ma Dolores | Marín Hernández, Cristina | Murguía Ibáñez, José Ramón | Pardo Vicente, Teresa | Parra Álvarez, Margarita | Ribes Momparler, Ángela | Sancenon Galarza, Félix | Villaescusa Alonso, Luis Ángel | Vivancos Bono, Jose Luis
Main lines of research
• Development of nanometric devices with ‘molecular gates” for controlled release
Our objective is to develop nano-systems containing “molecular gates” for releasing a certain
payload at will. For that purpose, nanometric mesoporous solids are used as support. Such gated mesoporous silica nanoparticles are able to retain a cargo inside the pore system and deliver it upon the application of a target chemical (redox molecules, selected anions, pH changes, etc.), physical (such as temperature, magnetic fields or light) or biochemical (such as enzymes, antigens, DNA) stimuli.
• Molecular probes
We have experience in developing molecular chemical probes in which the recognition process is coupled to signaling. This applies to the design of probes for the in vitro or in vivo chromo-fluorogenic detection of molecules of interest.
• Transverse capacities
Organic and inorganic synthesis
Preparation/functionalization of mesoporous materials
Preparation/functionalization of inorganic nanoparticles (gold, silver, oxides, silica, etc.)

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