Page 74 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
P. 74
leaD reSearcher
Marco Colas, María Pilar
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Instituto de Química Avanzada de Cataluña
C/ Jordi Girona, 18-26 08034 Barcelona
[email protected]
group Website
Staff members: Argárate Madariaga, Nerea | González González, Ana Rosa | Hernández Albors, Alejandro | Mendoza Santana, Marlene | Salvador Vico, Juan Pablo | Scheper, Johanna Katharina | Vilaplana Holgado, Maria Luisa
Associated members: Broto Avilés, Marta | Galvé Bosch, Roger | Pascual Durán, Núria | Rodríguez Nuñez, Montserrat | Sanchís Villariz, Ana
Main lines of research
The Nanobiotechnology for Diagnostics (Nb4D) research group has been a recognized and awarded research group of the Catalonian Government since 2005. The general objective of its research is the investigation of new approaches and strategies to improve the efficiency of current diagnostic methods. To achieve this goal its research addresses three fundamental specific objectives:
1. The development and characterization of bioreceptors with tailored properties.
2. The preparation of biohybrid functional materials through the incorporation of specific bioreceptors onto
micro/ nanostructured materials and devices
3. The investigation of new nanobiotecnological approaches for the development of a new generation of tools
and devices that will increase the effectiveness of diagnosis in the clinical, food safety and environmental
The scientific activity of Nb4D began in 1996 and has been focused on the development of antibodies and the establishment of immunochemical methods. The group has accumulated a large collection of immunoreagents against various types of analytes.
In the course of the Nb4D group, several stages can be defined, all of them characterised by a continuous increase in the number of researchers and funding, which is achieved through participation in Spanish and European competitive calls and contracts with companies, and output, in terms of publications and patents. The scientific activity of the group is reflected in the number of publications (more than 180 scientific publications in high impact international journals), participation in international conferences, the number of

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