Page 52 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
P. 52
leaD reSearcher
Farré Ventura, Ramon
(associated group)
Universidad de Barcelona
Facultad de Medicina c/ Casanova, 143 08036 Barcelona
(+34) 93 402 45 15 (+34) 93 403 47 13
[email protected]
group Website
Staff members: Otero Díaz, Jorge
Associated members: Alcaraz Casademunt, Jordi | Almendros López, Isaac | Campillo Agullo, Noelia | Carreras Palau, Alba | Luque González, Tomás Alberto | Melo Herraiz, Esther | Navajas Navarro, Daniel | Rodríguez Lázaro, Miguel Ángel | Rotger Estape, María del Mar
Main lines of research
• Pathophysiology of sleep apnea and acute lung injury in patients and animal models.
• Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine in respiratory diseases.
• Nanotechnologies and lab-on-a-chip for the study and characterization of the mechanical behavior of
cells and tissue systems.
• Instrumentation for diagnostic, therapeutic and monitoring of sleep apnea and acute lung injury.
Biomaterials & Advanced Therapies

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