Page 53 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Sunyer R., Conte V., Escribano J., Elosegui-Artola A., Labernadie A., Valon L. et al. Collective cell durotaxis emerges from long-range intercellular force transmission. Science. 2016;353(6304):1157-1161.
• Khalyfa A., Almendros I., Gileles-Hillel A., Akbarpour M., Trzepizur W., Mokhlesi B. et al. Circulating exosomes potentiate tumor malignant properties in a mouse model of chronic sleep fragmentation. Oncotarget. 2016;7(34):54676-54690.
• Uriarte J.J., Meirelles T., Del Blanco D.G., Nonaka P.N., Campillo N., Sarri E. et al. Early impairment of lung mechanics in a murine model of marfan syndrome. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(3).
• Isetta V., Montserrat J.M., Santano R., Wimms A.J., Ramanan D., Woehrle H. et al. Novel approach to simulate sleep apnea patients for evaluating positive pressure therapy devices. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(3).
• Campillo N., Jorba I., Schaedel L., Casals B., Gozal D., Farre R. et al. A novel chip for cyclic stretch and intermittent hypoxia cell exposures mimicking obstructive sleep apnea. Frontiers in Physiology. 2016;7(JUL).
The group has focused its work on two of the programs of CIBERES, addressed to study obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and acute lung injury (ALI). Part of the group research has been carried out in the framework of contracts with companies and of two funded joint-projects with CIBER-BBN groups. A first main outcome in the field of OSA has been the development and characterization of a novel chip system capable of realistically simulating the main OSA stimuli at cell level. The chip allows cell application of controlled
fast patterns of intermittent hypoxia and cyclic stretch at breathing and heart frequencies. A prove of concept application study on bone marrow-derived stem cells was carried out. In another study, we found that circulating exosomes modulate cancer progression (proliferation, migration and extravasation) in a mouse model of sleep fragmentation mimicking OSA, potentially explaining the adverse cancer outcomes observed in OSA. Concerning OSA treatment, we developed a novel bench test setting to test automatic CPAP devices. The model allows simulating a patient’s night including different breathing features in each sleep phase. In the ALI program, the group has focused on the studying the crosstalk between cells and extracellular matrix (ECM). On the one hand, we used a mouse Marfan model (mutation in ECM fibrillin) to document that alterations in the ECM may induce distinct the micro- and macro-mechanical mechanical changes in the lung. In addition, we have provided novel evidence of different mechanisms driving isolated and collective cells migration in the presence of non-homogeneous ECM stiffness (durotaxis). We found that collective durotaxis is far more efficient than single-cell durotaxis, appearing as a potential robust mechanism to direct cell migration in lung epithelial/endothelial repair in ALI.
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