Page 39 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Delgado-Goni T., Ortega-Martorell S., Ciezka M., Olier I., Candiota A.P., Julia-Sape M. et al. MRSI- based molecular imaging of therapy response to temozolomide in preclinical glioblastoma using source analysis. NMR in Biomedicine. 2016.
• Ciezka M., Acosta M., Herranz C., Canals J.M., Pumarola M., Candiota A.P. et al. Development of a transplantable glioma tumour model from genetically engineered mice: MRI/MRS/MRSI characterisation. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 2016;1-10.
• Majos C., Cos M., Castaner S., Pons A., Gil M., Fernández-Coello A. et al. Preradiotherapy MR Imaging: A prospective pilot study of the usefulness of performing an MR examination shortly before radiation therapy in patients with glioblastoma. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2016;37(12):2224-2230.
• Castells Domingo X., Ferrer-Font L., Davila M., Candiota A.P., Simoes R.V., Fernández-Coello A. et al. Improving Ribosomal RNA Integrity in Surgically Resected Human Brain Tumor Biopsies. Biopreservation and Biobanking. 2016;14(2):156-164.
• Fernández F., Deviers A., Dally C., Mogicato G., Delverdier M., Cauzinille L. et al. Presence of neural progenitors in spontaneous canine gliomas: A histopathological and immunohistochemical study of 20 cases. Veterinary Journal. 2016.
The GABRMN has established/continued scientific collaborations with research groups such as the Nanostructured Functional Materials Group (Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia, Dr. Fernando Novio) and the Protein Phosphorylation group, from Dipartimento di scienze biomediche (Università degli Studi di Padova, Dr. Lorenzo Pinna, Dr. Maria Ruzzene), producing a joint publication and another article being prepared for submission. Moreover, the collaboration started in 2016 with Dr. Victor Yuste from the Grup d’Investigació en Mort Cel·lular, Senescència i Supervivència (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona),
is helping to gain more insight in the study of cell death mechanisms triggered by the chemotherapeutic agents used in our brain tumor preclinical models.
Regarding research results, a new protocol of volumetric molecular imaging has been developed with excellent results in the noninvasive assessment of therapy response in our preclinical glioblastoma (GB) model. This work has been presented in national and international congresses, such as the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology annual meeting (Vienna, September 2016).
On the other hand, the collaboration with the Grup de Regulació Cel·lular per Fosforilació de Proteïnes
(Dr. Emili Itarte, Dr. Maria Plana) has gone more in-depth in the study of CX-4945 (CK2 inhibitor) as an alternative therapy for preclinical GB, suggesting the potential combination with temozolomide for survival improvement in tumor-bearing mice.
The TRANSACT ITN has developed its third and last year, and the same European research network has worked along the second half of 2016 in a new Marie Curie proposal, with CIBER as one of the partners. Finally, during 2016, a new predoctoral student has joined the GABRMN group, Wu Shuang from China, holding a grant from the China Scholarship Council for 4 years.
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