Page 38 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
P. 38
leaD reSearcher
Arús Caralto, Carles
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Edifici C (Facultat Biociències) Campus UAB. 2a Planta
08193 Cerdanyola | Barcelona [email protected]
group Website
Staff members: Candiota Silveira, Ana Paula | Julià Sapé, Ma Margarita
Associated members: Acebes Martín, Juan José | Aguilera Grijalbo, Carlos | Arias Ramos, Núria | Baquero Munera, Miguel | Cabañas Egaña, Miquel | Capdevila Cirera, Antonio | Cos Domingo, Mónica | Fernández Flores, Francisco | Ferrer Font, Laura | Lope Piedrafita, Silvia | Majos Torro, Carlos | Mocioiu, Victor | Moreno Torres, Ángel | Oriol Rocafiguera, Albert | Pumarola I Battle, Martí | Vellido Alcacena, Alfredo Contributors: Ciezka, Magdalena | Fernández Coello, Alejandro | Ortega Martorell, Sandra
Main lines of research
Our major research interest is the improvement of the diagnosis, treatment and therapy response follow-up of abnormal brain masses, using noninvasive monitoring tools based in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. With this major goal in mind, several sublines related to MR methodology are being investigated, which include:
• Treatment with conventional or novel therapeutic agents and response follow-up of preclinical brain
tumour models.
• Search for molecular surrogate biomarkers of in vivo tumor therapy response, through in vitro, ex vivo
and in vivo studies of cell lines, animal models and their biopsies. Correlation with molecular and
cellular parameters (histopathology, genomics). Potential translation to clinical practice.
• In vivo molecular phenotyping of tumor progression and therapy response.
• Classifier development and their implementation into decision-support systems (DSS) for helping in
clinical decision making in an evidence-based medicine context.
• Characterization of the type and grade of human brain tumors and other neural pathologies by imaging
(MRI) and in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS, MRSI). Therapy response characterization in treated patients, using pattern recognition tools developed with preclinical models.
Bioengineering & Medical Imaging

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