Page 87 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Research groups
Exploring the physiopathological mechanisms of con- nexinopathies: Role of Connexin-36 in Epilepsy; Thera- peutic approaches for stroke in preclinical models. Interaction of brain functions with very low frequency and intensity pulsed electromagnetic fields; Pain Brain DTI-MRI Function in Transgenic mice; Pulsed Magnetic Field Stimulation to enhance Neurite Growth. Bioinspired fibres for biomedical applications applied to biostructural prosthesis.
Microanatomical and neurochemical alterations of the cerebral cortex in Alzheimer’s.
Biomedical Informatics: natural language processing, indexing and knowledge discovery; MEG data analysis. Big data analytics to predict biomarkers for early stag- es of Alzheimer and Parkinson.
Technology to empower healthy habits to manage habit changing.
Most relevant scientific articles
CANUET L., PUSIL S., LóPEZ M.E., BAJO R., PINEDA-PARDO J.A., CUESTA P. ET AL. Network disruption and cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-beta and phospho-tau levels in mild cognitive impair- ment. Journal of Neuroscience. 2015;35(28):10325-10330.
GARCES P., PEREDA E., HERNáNDEZ-TAMAMES J.A., DEL-POZO F., MAESTU F., ANGEL PINEDA-PARDO J. Multimodal descrip- tion of whole brain connectivity: A comparison of resting state MEG, fMRI, and DWI. Human Brain Mapping. 2015.
MARTíN-BURO M.C., GARCES P., MAESTU F. Test-retest relia- bility of resting-state magnetoencephalography power in
Early detection of Alzheimer Disease. In the last year we have consolidated 15 years of work on the analysis the brain functional networks by proposing a biomarker for cognitive decline in the early stages of dementia: to pre- dict who of the MCI (mild cognitive impairment) patients will develop dementia. Along 2015 we were running an international multicenter study to transfer our finding to the market: 1) cloud service for secondary diagnosis; 2) objective test of pharmacological or non-pharmacolog- ical interventions.
EIT Health. UPM become core partner of the EIT-Health Program, coordinated by the Centre for Biomedical Technology (CTB). A program to contribute to increase the competitiveness of European industry, improve the quality of life of Europe’s citizens and the sustainability of healthcare system.
HBP. Human Brain Project. Researchers of CTB has col- laborate in this ten-year special flagship ERANET and Horizon 2020 to build a completely new ICT infrastruc- ture for neuroscience and for brain-related research in medicine and computing.
sensor and source space. Human Brain Mapping. 2015.
GARCíA-GARCíA F., KUMARESWARAN K., HOVORKA R., HER- NANDO M.E. Quantifying the Acute Changes in Glucose with Exercise in Type 1 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Me- ta-Analysis. Sports Medicine. 2015;45(4):587-599.
RAMOS-GóMEZ M., SEIZ E.G., MARTíNEZ-SERRANO A. Optimi- zation of the magnetic labeling of human neural stem cells and MRI visualization in the hemiparkinsonian rat brain. Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 2015;13(1).
Dual Ms on Clinical Science. During 2015 it was ap- proved a dual Master degree by UPM and the University of Colorado Denver, based in CTB, a two year program designed to meet the demand for further education of clinical researchers in academia and industry.
Acreditation of CTB as a health center. The Laboratory for Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience of the CTB obtained in year 2015 the accreditation as health center by the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid.
Animal facility. An animal facility in the Center for Bio- medical Technology (CTB) was built and approved this year for breeding and maintenance different species of rodents.
NEUROTEC. This biomedical engineering 4 year pro- gram (Ministry of Health of the CAM) for the develop- ment of diagnostic and therapeutic technologies for neurological pathologies, from the molecular to the sys- temic level, ended in 2015.
Institution: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid · Contact: ETSI Telecomunicación. Ciudad Universitaria, s/n. 28040 Madrid · Tel.: 91 336 46 32 · E.mail: [email protected] · Web:
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