Page 86 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
P. 86
Research groups
Center for Biomedical Technology – Bioengineering and Telemedicine group
Programme: Bioengineering & Medical Image Lead Researcher: Del Pozo Guerrero, Francisco
Group members
STAFF MEMBERS: Cobo Sánchez De Rojas, Antonio | Pérez Gandía, Ma Carmen.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Bajo Bretón, Ricardo | Bruña Fernández, Ricardo | Cáceres Taladriz, César | Caunet Delis, Leonides | De Toledo Heras, Paula | Gómez Aguilera, Enrique José | González Nieto, Daniel | Hernando Pérez, Ma Elena | López García, Ma Eugenia | Maestu Unturbe, Ceferino | Maestú Unturbe, Fernando | Ramos Gómez, Milagros | Serrano Olmedo, José Javier.
CONTRIBUTORS: Castellanos , Nazareth | Félix González, Nazario | García García, Fernando | Gutiérrez
Díez, Ricardo | Martínez Sarriegui, Iñaki | Mina Rosales, Alejandra | Moratti , Stephan | Moreno Sánchez, Pedro Antonio | Niso Galán, Julia Guiomar | Rodríguez Herrero, Agustín | Sánchez González, Patricia | Sánchez López de Pablo, Cristina | Solana Sánchez, Javier.
Main lines of research
Oscillatory activity of the brain: Towards the under- standing of the normal cognition and brain disorders; cerebral basis of cognitive function in healthy people and in patients with neurological and psychiatric dis- eases.
Advanced biomedical imaging technologies: Neuroim- aging biomarkers in aging and dementia; simultaneous EEG-fMRI Recording; functional and structural connec- tivity.
Diabetes technologies to apply the available technol- ogies to optimize follow-up and metabolic control of people suffering from diabetes.
Neurorehabilitation Engineering: to help restore, mini- mize and/or compensate the alterations, those typical- ly appear on a person after suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or a stroke; Neurorehabilitation processes
modeling: dysfunctional and hybrid bionics models; Smart monitoring of cognitive and physical rehabilita- tion.
Development of sensors and medical devices based on nanoparticles: hyperthermia induction in living tissues (optical and radiofrequency); biosensors based on nan- oparticles for early diagnosis of bacterial diseases. Development of biofunctionalized nanomaterials for biomedical applications: Design and manufacture of biocompatible and stable nanostructures for RMI con- trast agents for in vivo early diagnosis of Alzheimer dis- ease; Labeling of human neural precursor cells for in vivo cell tracking in cell replacement therapies against neurodegenerative diseases.
Computational systems biology & study of structure and function in cultured neuronal networks.
86 I Annual report 2015 I CIBER-BBN