Page 85 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Research groups
marking of medical devices certification: defining essential requirements; carrying out risk analyses, and clinical justification of the design.
• Locomotor system pathologies study and evalua- tion.
• Orthopaedic and surgical repair systems study and evaluation from a functional point of view
Most relevant scientific articles
LóPEZ-NAJERA D., RUBIO-ZARAGOZA M., SOPENA-JUNCO- SA J.J., ALENTORN-GELI E., CUGAT-BERTOMEU R., FERNáN- DEZ-SARMIENTO J.A. ET AL. Effects of plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) on biomechanical properties of Achilles tendon repair. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatolo- gy, Arthroscopy. 2015.
BELDA-LOIS J.-M., SáNCHEZ-SáNCHEZ M.L. A new method- ology for Functional Principal Component Analysis from
• DuoTrainer. New robotic medical device for auton- omous, home-based gait neurorehabilitation and weight-bearing leg exercise, aimed at adults with loss of standing and walking function. INSPIRO A/S, 44.000 €. 4 December 2015. PI: HELIOS DE ROSARIO MARTíNEZ. Participants: BRUNO BAZUELO RUIZ, JOSé NAVARRO GARCíA, IGNACIO BERMEJO BOSCH, LAURA MARTíNEZ GóMEZ, MARíA JOSé VI- VAS BROSETA, JAIME MIGUEL PRAT PASTOR, RAFAEL MENGUAL ORTOLá. CAREMIBRAIN.
• A brain-dedicated Positron Emission Tomography (PET) system to identify ß-amyloid biomarker in the brain for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. GENERAL EQUIPMENT FOR MEDICAL IMAGING, S. A. (ONCOVISION), 397.500 €. 3 De- cember 2015 - 29 de Marzo de 2019. PI: JOSé LUIS PERIS SERRA. Participants: CARLOS MANUEL ATIEN- ZA VICENTE, JUAN ALFONSO GóMEZ HERRERO, Ma JESúS SOLERA NAVARRO, JOSé NAVARRO GARCíA, JAVIER MARIANO FERRíS OñATE, JOSé DAVID GARRI- DO JAéN, CARLOS CHIRIVELLA MORENO.
scarce data. Application to stroke rehabilitation. Pro- ceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS. 2015;2015-November:4602-4605.
LóPEZ-PASCUAL J., CACERES M.L., DE ROSARIO H., PAGE A. The reliability of humerothoracic angles during arm eleva- tion depends on the representation of rotations. Journal of Biomechanics. 2015.
• A new RX diagnostic medical application enabling real dimension determinations. INFORMATION STORAGE, S.L., 2.130 €. 5 November 2015 - PI: JUAN FERNANDO GIMENEZ PLA. Participants: HE- LIOS DE ROSARIO MARTíNEZ, MARíA JESúS SOLERA NAVARRO, CARLOS MANUEL ATIENZA VICENTE.
• i-LiveRest. Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure ulcer risk by real time measuring of tissue viability and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context. QIMOVA AS, 37.500 €. 8 September 2015 -PI: RICARD BARBERá GUILLEM. Participants: RAUL MORON BALLESTER, CARLA ANDREA ARTACHO PéREZ, JOSé LAPARRA HERNáNDEZ, IGNACIO BER- MEJO BOSCH, MARíA AMPARO GUERRERO ALONSO, FRANCISCO JOSé MATEY GONZáLEZ, FERNANDO MOLLA DOMENECH.
• DIRECTOR: PAGE, Á. PhD: Juan LÓPEZ PASCUAL. TITLE: Kinematic characterization of the humer- al elevation in the scapular plane. Definition of normal patterns and analysis of the pathological movement. UNIVERSITY: Universitat Politècnica de València. March 2015
Institution: Asociación Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia · Contact: Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia Camino de Vera s/n Edificio 9 C. 46022 Valencia · Tel.: 96 111 11 70 · E.mail: [email protected] Website:
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