Page 83 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
GAINZA G., BONAFONTE D.C., MORENO B., AGUIRRE J.J., ina: The Role of Protamine.Molecular pharmaceutics. GUTIERREZ F.B., VILLULLAS S. ET AL. The topical admin- 2015;12(10):3658-71.
Research groups
tages, such as mucoadhesion, biodegradability, no first pass effect hence the possibility to reduce the dose, good tolerability, deep lung deposition of the drug and sustained release of the API thus longer
dosing interval. These systems are applied for the nanoformulation of DNA, peptide, antineoplasics and antibiotics.
istration of rhEGF-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers (rhEGF-NLC) improves healing in a porcine full-thickness
excisional wound model. Journal of Controlled Release. 2015;197:41-47.
MORENO-SASTRE M., PASTOR M., SALOMON C.J., ESQUISABEL A., PEDRAZ J.L. Pulmonary drug delivery: A review on nano- carriers for antibacterial chemotherapy. Journal of Antimi- crobial Chemotherapy. 2015;70(11):2945-2955.
PURAS G, MARTíNEZ-NAVARRETE G, MASHAL M, ZáRATE J, AGIRRE M, OJEDA E ET AL. Protamine/DNA/Niosome Ternary Nonviral Vectors for Gene Delivery to the Ret-
• DRIVE EUROPEAN PROJECT: NanoBioCel group takes part of DRIVE consortium, which is a 4-year project to be carried out by 14 European partners. The project have received funding of 9 MILLION OF EUROS from the Horizon 2020, the biggest EU framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Its aim is to develop an bioartifi- cial pancreas.
• KARUNA: A spin-off that has its origin in a TER- FIQEC Spanish project, an INNPACTO program that had the aim to get results to the market from collaborations between companies and re- search groups. The mail objective of Karuna is approaching different diseases using cell therapy.
PURAS G, ZARATE J, PEDRAZ JL ET AL. Enduring high-effi- ciency in vivo transfection of neurons with non-viral mag- netoparticles in the rat visual cortex for optogenetic ap- plications.Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine. 2015.
GAINZA G., VILLULLAS S., PEDRAZ J.L., HERNáNDEZ R.M., IGARTUA M. Advances in drug delivery systems (DDSs) to release growth factors for wound healing and skin re- generation. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine. 2015;11(6):1551-1573.
• Patent: “”Molécula de acido nucleído, proteína de fusión y método para modificar el material genético de una célula”. It is an invention that uses molecular tools for modifying the genetic material of a cell.
• Scientific article awarded by Sociedad Española de Farmacia Industrial y Galénica: “A novel cat- ionic niosome formulation for gene delivery to the retina”. Developed jointly with researchers Eduardo Fernández y Ramon Eritja members of CIBER-BBN.
Institution: Universidad del País Vasco · Contact: Facultad de Farmacia. Paseo de la Universidad, 7 01006 Vitoria / Gasteiz · Tel.: 945 013 091 E.mail: [email protected]
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