Page 41 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
PASCUAL G., SOTOMAYOR S., RODRIGUEZ M., ARTEAGA V., ite meshes used for ventral hernia repair. Journal of Surgi- BELLON J.M. Extraperitoneal and intraperitoneal behavior of cal Research. 2015;193(1):470-482.
Research groups
was introduced in our department as a result of collaboration with the group COFIBIC. Regener- ation of critical bone defects using tissue engi- neering techniques, by implanting osteogenic
constructs, and aspects of biocompatibility bone substitutes in different experimental mod- els, are currently in progress.
several biological meshes currently used to repair abdomi-
nal wall defects. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials. 2015;103(2):365-372.
CORDERO A., HERNáNDEZ-GASCON B., PASCUAL G., BELLON J.M., CALVO B., PENA E. Biaxial Mechanical Evaluation of Absorba- ble and Nonabsorbable Synthetic Surgical Meshes Used for Hernia Repair: Physiological Loads Modify Anisotropy Re- sponse. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2015;:1-8.
GARCíA-MORENO F., PéREZ-LóPEZ P., SOTOMAYOR S., PéREZ- KOHLER B., BAYON Y., PASCUAL G. ET AL. Comparing the host tissue response and peritoneal behavior of compos-
In connection with our research line in biomateri- als for the repair of abdominal wall defects, a new national project under the call “R&D Excellence Projects” SAF2014-55022-P, “Bioassay of a new cyanoacrylate for internal use(n-octyl/CIAH) of im- planted prosthetic materials for the repair of hernia defects”CIANOMESH”, has been granted in 2015. In addition, the extension granted for the National Project DPI2011-27939-C02-02, as part of the intra- mural project BIOMIMESH, has been finished. A to- tal of four transfer contracts have been signed with Sofradim Production and Assut Europe companies, in the field of prosthetic infection. This line has had a significant productivity, with a total of twelve pub- lications (four Q1/six Q2). Several communications have been presented in the 1st World Congress on Abdominal Wall Surgery Conference and 28th Euro- pean Congress on Surgical Infections, held in Milan and Oporto respectively.
In connection with our line in repair of skin defects, it has been published an article in Acta Biomate- rialia (Q1) on the design and evaluation of new bi-
M.R., GONZáLEZ-GóMEZ A., SOLIS R. ET AL. Bioactive bilay- ered dressing for compromised epidermal tissue regener- ation with sequential activity of complementary agents. Acta Biomaterialia. 2015;23:103-115.
PéREZ-KOHLER B., GARCíA-MORENO F., BAYON Y., PASCUAL G., BELLON J.M. Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus adhe- sion to the surface of a reticular heavyweight polypropyl- ene mesh soaked in a combination of chlorhexidine and allicin: An in vitro study. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(5).
layered dressing for application in the healing of compromised wounds. The patent for this product was obtained a few years ago and during the 2015 extension to Europe, USA and Australia has been requested. During this year a major Art. 83 transfer contract with Novartis, in the field of drug healing, has been finished and a new one with Genzyme Cor- poration has been signed. Several communications have been presented at the XVIII SEHIT Congress, held in Bilbao.
Regarding the research line of repair and vascular pathology the second year of the National Project “Venous insufficiency in pregnancy: search of pre- dictive markers”, by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI13/01513), has been carried out successfully. Several communications have been presented at 31st LIAC Meeting on Vascular Research, held in Lis- bon, on the Gordon Research Conference on Elastin, Elastic Fibers and Microfibrils, in USA and in the XVIII Congress SEHIT/VI International Congress of Histol- ogy and Tissue Engineering, held in Bilbao.
Institution: Universidad de Alcalá · Contact: Facultad de Medicina · Campus Universitario
Ctra. Madrid-Barcelona, km. 33,6. 28871 Alcalá de Henares · Tel.: 91 885 45 40 · E.mail: [email protected] Website:
CIBER-BBN I Annual report 2015 I 41