Page 39 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
P. 39
Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
DURAN I., RUIZ-SáNCHEZ J., SANTAMARIA J.A., MARI-BEFFA M. Holmgren’s principle of delamination during fin skele- togenesis. Mechanisms of Development. 2015;135:16-30.
VILLATORO A.J., FERNáNDEZ V., CLAROS S., RICO-LLANOS G.A., BECERRA J., ANDRADES J.A. Use of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in keratoconjunctivitis sic- ca in a canine model. BioMed Research International. 2015;2015.
DURAN I., CSUKASI F., TAYLOR S.P., KRAKOW D., BECERRA J., BOMBARELY A. ET AL. Collagen duplicate genes of bone and cartilage participate during regeneration of zebrafish fin skeleton. Gene Expression Patterns. 2015;19(1-2):60-69.
VISSER R., BODNAROVA K., ARRABAL P.M., CIFUENTES M., BEC- ERRA J. Combining bone morphogenetic proteins-2 and -6 has additive effects on osteoblastic differentiation in vitro and accelerates bone formation in vivo. Journal of Bio- medical Materials Research - Part A. 2015;104(1):178-185.
In 2015 we have partnered with groups and compa- nies from Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands and Spain to submit the proposal “NANODEV- NANO-sized De- livery systems for mesenchymal stem cells-derived Extracellular Vesicles” to the Horizon 2020 NMBP- 10-2016. No 720821-1. We have as well applied to H2020-MSCA-IF-2015, presenting the proposal “OSTEOBIOMAT. Novel biomimetic peptides with specific binding domains for the functionalization of biomaterial surfaces for bone tissue engineering”.
We have submitted two national project proposals to the MINECO: “Customized bioengineered im- plants of porous titanium for maxillofacial recon- structive surgery. Proofs of concept and preclinical assay” (BIO2015-66266-R); “Can Glass Nitridation Generate a New Scientific and Technologycal Path- way for Molecular Regognition and Efficient Oste- oinduction?” (Explora).
We have applied for funding from the Andalusian Government “Desarrollo de un Preparado de Inge- niería Tisular para el tratamiento de Osteonecrosis Maxilar Aséptica” (PI-0339-2014).
Our group has hosted the Finnish postdoctoral Hert- ta Pulkkinen, whose 12-month stay was funded by Campus Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech and by CIBER-BBN. We also hosted short-stays of three Italian PhD students from the University of Pavía.
We have obtained the international extension for the patent “Bioactive glasses, bioactive glass scaf- folds, and cell-seeded bioactive glass scaffolds; preparation methods; and uses thereof” (PCT/ ES2015/070535), and published the results of this research in Acta Biomaterialia, although dated 2016 (Act Biom 29:424-34), the article was available on- line from 2015, quickly getting much attention from the media, and being Dr. Leonor Santos-Ruiz (CIB- ER-BBN researcher) interviewed in several radio and TV programmes.
In collaboration with Cell Therapy Network (TerCel), our group has joined a team that leads two Clinical Assays:
• “Treatment Of Maxillary Bone Cysts With Autol- ogous Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSV-H) (BIOMAX)” (NCT01389661)
• “Intravenous Infusion of Fucosylated Phase I Clin- ical Trial To Evaluate The Intravenous Infusion Of Autologous Fucosylated Bone Marrow Mes- enchymal Cells Therapy In Patients With Estab- lished Osteoporosis” (NCT02566655)
Institution: Universidad de Málaga · Contact: Facultad de Ciencias · Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía, c/ Severo Ochoa, 35. 29590 Campanillas · Tel.: 952 131 966 · E.mail: [email protected]
CIBER-BBN I Annual report 2015 I 39