Page 43 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
P. 43
Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
MOLINAR-TORIBIO E., PéREZ-JIMéNEZ J., RAMOS-ROMERO S., ROMEU M., GIRALT M., TALTAVULL N. ET AL. Effect of n-3 PUFA supplementation at different EPA:DHA ratios on the sponta- neously hypertensive obese rat model of the metabolic syn- drome. British Journal of Nutrition. 2015;113(6):878-887.
ROURA S., SOLER-BOTIJA C., BAGO J.R., LLUCIA-VALLDEPERAS A., FERNáNDEZ M.A., GALVEZ-MONTON C. ET AL. Postinfarc- tion functional recovery driven by a three-dimensional en- gineered fibrin patch composed of human umbilical cord
GALVEZ-MONTON C., FERNáNDEZ-FIGUERAS M.T., MARTI M., SOLER-BOTIJA C., ROURA S., PEREA-GIL I. ET AL. Neoinner- vation and neovascularization of acellular pericardial-de- rived scaffolds in myocardial infarcts. Stem Cell Research and Therapy. 2015;6(1).
LLUCIA-VALLDEPERAS A., SáNCHEZ B., SOLER-BOTIJA C., GAL- VEZ-MONTON C., PRAT-VIDAL C., ROURA S. ET AL. Electrical stimulation of cardiac adipose tissue-derived progenitor cells modulates cell phenotype and genetic machinery.
blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Stem Cells Trans- lational Medicine. 2015;4(8):956-966.
MOLINAR-TORIBIO E., PéREZ-JIMéNEZ J., RAMOS-ROMERO S., GóMEZ L., TALTAVULL N., NOGUES M.R. ET AL. D-Fagomine attenuates metabolic alterations induced by a high-ener- gy-dense diet in rats. Food and Function. 2015;6(8):2614- 2619.
During the year 2015 the Cell Therapy Group has centered in the development of cell therapy strate- gies against tumors (gliomas) as well as in the ad- vancement of our understanding of the interactions between therapeutic stem cells and tumor cells. The principal milestone achieved during this year has been the discovery that therapeutic mesenchy- mal stromal cells used for therapy agains gliomas do not undergo apoptosis upon administration of the Ganciclovir prodrug, but survive the treatment. Thus, we have to assume that tumor killing effect is mediated by secretion of Ganciclovir phosphate loaded exosomes or a similar mechanism. More- over, we have also discovered that a consequence of anti-replication therapy against tumors is the ap- pearance of a pool of therapy resistant glioma stem cells that we can detect and quantify by biolumines- cence imaging; capable of recapitulating tumors upon release from therapy. We have also fine-tuned
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 2015;9(11):E76-E83.
the CLARITY procedure that allows visualization of fluorescent tumors in transparent brains. Using this procedure together with confocal microscopy we have identified TR-GSC remnants. We believe that these are the last resource of therapy resistance, thus the main objective of this project in the near future will be its eradication.
During 2015 the research team has been supported by a project from MINECO, the Cell Therapy Network “TerCel” and an internationalization project with In- dia for the use of photodynamic therapy against tumors. Additional support has been provided by a “Retos Colaboración” project with Instituto Químico de Sarria and the SAGETIS company. During this year, the group has obtained additional support from CIBER through Transfer Project “Multifunction- al Nanoparticles for Cell Therapy (TRANSMAG).
Institution: Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Contact: Instituto de Química Avanzada de Cataluña · C/ Jordi Girona, 18-26 08034 Barcelona
Tel.: 93 400 61 00 ext. 5022 · E.mail: [email protected]
CIBER-BBN I Annual report 2015 I 43

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