Page 45 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
RAMIREZ B.E., VICTORIA D.A., MURILLO G.M., HERRERAS J.M., CALONGE M. In vivo confocal microscopy assessment of the corneoscleral limbal stem cell niche before and after biopsy for cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation to restore corneal epithelium. Histology and Histopathology. 2015;30(2):183-192.
COCHO L., FERNáNDEZ I., CALONGE M., MARTíNEZ V., GONZáLEZ-GARCíA M.J., Caballero D. et al. Gene expres- sion-based predictive models of graft versus host dis- ease-associated dry eye. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 2015;56(8):4570-4581.
ABENGOZAR-VELA A., CALONGE M., STERN M.E., GONZáLEZ- GARCíA M.J., ENRIQUEZ-DE-SALAMANCA A. Quercetin and resveratrol decrease the inflammatory and oxidative re-
IOBA-UVa group is working in three intramural pro- jects:
1. BioScaff-EYE: “Bio-engineered stem cell nich- es in ocular surface reconstruction for corneal blindness”, coordinated by IOBA-UVa was trans- ferred to Ferrer Advanced Biotherapeutics (FAB). Three groups: IOBA-UVa-Valladolid, clinical group (PI M.Calonge, IBEC-Barcelona (PI E.Engel), and NanoBioCel-Vitoria (PI JL.Pedraz) are working and FAB to lead this project to the desired end at maximum speed. As a result, new in vitro studies are underway and new options are being tested in animals. Additionally, IOBA-UVa submitted for publication the first double-masked randomized clinical trial to report safety and efficacy of bone marrow-mesenchymal stem cells in human oc- ular surface. Due to the signed non-disclosure agreement, dissemination of results is not al- lowed.
2. EYE-PoC: “Point-of-care biosensor devices to detect biomarkers as evaluation end-points for therapeutic clinical trials in ocular surface inflammation” was granted in 2014. It is co- ordinated by IOBA-UVa, the clinical group (PI A.Enríquez-de-Salamanca) and teamed with
sponses in human ocular surface epithelial cells. Investiga- tive Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 2015;56(4):2709- 2719.
LóPEZ-MIGUEL A., TESON M., MARTíN-MONTANEZ V., ENRI- QUEZ-DE-SALAMANCA A., STERN M.E., GONZáLEZ-GARCíA M.J. ET AL. Clinical and Molecular Inflammatory Response in Sjögren Syndrome-Associated Dry Eye Patients Under Desiccating Stress. American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2015.
RAMIREZ B.E., SáNCHEZ A., HERRERAS J.M., FERNáNDEZ I., GARCíA-SANCHO J., NIETO-MIGUEL T. ET AL. Stem Cell Ther- apy for Corneal Epithelium Regeneration following Good Manufacturing and Clinical Procedures. BioMed Research International. 2015;2015.
NB4D-CISC (PI P.Marco, R.Galve), CIN2-CISC (PI L.Lechuga) and GQNA-CISC (PI R.Eritja). We de- veloped a 4-molecule tear biomarker panel predic- tive for Dry Eye Disease (diagnosis) and differen- tiating severity grading, with excellent sensitivity and specificity values. These molecules will be integrated in amperometric and/or optical PoC devices and will be submitted for patentability. Additionally, we obtained preliminary data regard- ing differential microRNAs levels in tears samples from DED patients compared to those of healthy subjects.
NANO-OPHTHAL: “New si-RNA-nanoparticle conjugates for the treatment of ocular surface inflammations”, granted as “excelent project” during 2014, is coordinated by Nanomol-CISC (PI S.Sala/J.Veciana) and teamed with GDAB-UAH (PI, GQNA-CISC (PI R.Eritja), IO- BA-UVa as clinical group (PI A.Enríquez-de-Sala- manca) and external group (R.Herrero). We elab- orate a protocol to test tolerance of nanoparticles in rabbits, approved by The Animal Welfare Com- mittee of the University (CEEBA) and by the Re- gional Government.
Institution: Universidad de Valladolid · Contact: Instituto de OftalmoBiología Aplicada Campus Universitario Miguel Delibes. Camino del Cementerio, s/n. 47011 Valladolid Tel.: 98 318 47 50 · E.mail: [email protected]
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