Page 101 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
P. 101
• Application of supercritical technologies for the preparation of porous systems . Based on the application of carbonic anhydride in supercritical conditions for the preparation of clean bioactive polymer systems and composites for different
applications. The technology allows the develop- ment of systems for Tissue Engineering and drug delivery systems . Also the preparation of sys- tems with bioactive compounds sensitive to the pH or temperature are considered in this section.
Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
REYES-ORTEGA F., CIFUENTES A., RODRIGUEZ G., AGUILAR M.R., GONZáLEZ-GóMEZ A., SOLIS R. ET AL. Bioactive bilay- ered dressing for compromised epidermal tissue regener- ation with sequential activity of complementary agents. Acta Biomaterialia. 2015;23:103-115.
ROJO L., FERNáNDEZ-GUTIERREZ M., DEB S., STEVENS M.M., SAN ROMAN J. Designing dapsone polymer conjugates for controlled drug delivery. Acta Biomaterialia. 2015;27:32-41.
PALAO-SUAY R., AGUILAR M.R., PARRA-RUIZ F.J., FERNáN- DEZ-GUTIERREZ M., PARRA J., SáNCHEZ-RODRIGUEZ C. ET AL. Anticancer and antiangiogenic activity of surfactant-free nanoparticles based on self-assembled polymeric deriva- tives of vitamin E: Structure-activity relationship. Biomac- romolecules. 2015;16(5):1566-1581.
Development and comercialization by the compa- ny iVASCULAR of a new generation of “Coronary Stents “, metallic stents coated with bioactive poly- mers that control and modulate the local reléase of an antiproliferative drug, Sirolimus. This biomedical device is known as Drug Eluted Stents DES, and has been comercialice by the company with the trade name ANGIOLITE that was enter in the biomedical market in January 2015.
Development of a injectable formulation for the treatment of osteochondritis and regeneration of joint cartilage. This Project has been developped in close cooperation with the pharmaceutical compa- ny INIBSA. The self-hardening formulation is under animal experimentation.
Development of a new formation of acrylic bone tis- sue for the local treatment of infections related with joint prosthesis. The patented system by the group is now aplying in a new model of animal experimen-
SERVAT-MEDINA L., GONZáLEZ-GóMEZ A., REYES-ORTEGA F., SOUSA I.M.O., QUEIROZ N.C.A., ZAGO P.M.W. ET AL. Chi- tosan–tripolyphosphate nanoparticles as Arrabidaea chica standardized extract carrier: Synthesis, characteri- zation, biocompatibility, and antiulcerogenic activity. Inter- national Journal of Nanomedicine. 2015;10:3897-3909.
ROJO L., RADLEY-SEARLE S., FERNáNDEZ-GUTIERREZ M., RODRIGUEZ-LORENZO L.M., ABRADELO C., DEB S. ET AL. The synthesis and characterisation of strontium and calcium folates with potential osteogenic activity. Journal of Mate- rials Chemistry B. 2015;3(13):2708-2713.
tation using rabits as animals. and depending of the results thesystem will be comercialised by the com- pany LVD BIOTECH that is the owner of the patent. All these activities have been developed by means of contracts of cooperation established between the companies and the Group of Biomaterials.
It has been obtained an auropean Project in the program ERA-NET (MAT) for the development of advanced bioimaterials from marine sources, biode- gradable and that can be incorporated to hieararchi- cal systems for advanced biomedical applications (self-curing systems, drug delivery systems, etc..). The Project with financial support fron the and na- tional bodies, is developped in close cooperation with a research group of the Minho University , Por- tugal and the portuguese company STEMMATERS, and will be developped duirng a period of three years.
Institution: Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Contact: Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros · C/ Juan de la Cierva, 3. 28006 Madrid
Tel.: 91 562 29 00 · E.mail: [email protected] · Web:
CIBER-BBN I Annual report 2015 I 101