Page 99 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
• Microfluidic systems and organ-on-chip devices: Development of a microfluidic system for blood/ plasma filtering. / Development of a spleen mod-
el on a chip (splenon-on-a-chip). / Development of a microfluidic system for neurobiological stud- ies.
GALAN T., LAGUNAS A., MARTíNEZ E., SAMITIER J. Fabrica- tion of bioactive polypyrrole microelectrodes on insulating surfaces by surface-guided biocatalytical polymerization. RSC Advances. 2015;5(82):67082-67088.
organization in an in vitro model for Alzheimer’s disease. Scientific Reports. 2015;5.
TONG Z., SEGURA-FELIU M., SEIRA O., HOMS-CORBERA A., DEL RIO J.A., SAMITIER J. A microfluidic neuronal platform for neuron axotomy and controlled regenerative studies. RSC
RA-PICAMAL X., TORRES-ESPIN A. ET AL. Increased migra- tion of olfactory ensheathing cells secreting the Nogo receptor ectodomain over inhibitory substrates and le- sioned spinal cord. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2015;72(14):2719-2737.
TELLER S., TAHIRBEGI I.B., MIR M., SAMITIER J., SORIANO J. Magnetite-Amyloid-β deteriorates activity and functional
The NANOMED-IBEC group has been involved in three intramural projects (OLIGOCODES, ChondroNanoNet and E-leukemia).
NANOMED-IBEC group concluded in 2015 the European project “Innovative Robotic Artefacts Inspired by Plant Roots for Soil Monitoring, PLANTOID” (FP7 293431) and the MINECO project OLIGOCODES (MAT2012- 38573-C02).
The collaborative work with the Prof. del Río (from CI- BERNED) on the fabrication of a microfluidic neuronal platform for neuron axotomy and controlled regenera- tive studies resulted in two publications.
The NANOMED-IBEC group have received funds from the competitive projects:
-“Glass-Laser Multiplexed Biosensor (GLAM)” (H2020- EU PHC-10-2015).
-“Suspensions of MicroNanoTools for applications in liv- ing cells (TEC2014-51940-C2-1-R).
“MIcrofluidic 3D compartmentalized Neuronal culture platform for neurological Diseases Studies (MINDS)” TEC-2015-70104-P.
“Nanoconductance of electron transfer proteins of the respiratory chain. Direct measurement at the single mo- lecular level and therapeutic regulation in cancer stem cells” CTQ2015-66194-R.
Advances. 2015;5(90):73457-73466.
TORRAS N., AGUSIL J.P., VAZQUEZ P., DUCH M., HERNáN- DEZ-PINTO A.M., SAMITIER J. ET AL. Suspended Planar-Ar- ray Chips for Molecular Multiplexing at the Microscale. Advanced Materials. 2015.
NANOMED-IBEC constituted a joint unit with with Genomica S. A. from Zeltia group to develop a Point of Care diagnosis system , and received funds from CELLEX foundation to develop a system of biosensors for fetal surgery in close collaboration with clinician groups at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu-Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.
NANOMED-IBEC group have been widely present on the
media during 2015: 924253-xips-miniaturitzats-per-detectar-malalties.html medicinas-personalizadas-incluso-para-los-resfriados/ corazon-de-repuesto/ europeo-eit-sobre-salud/ 2015-06-08-IBEC-ElPeriodico-La-investigacion-tiene-futuro.pdf 2015-05-03-NMontserrat-ARA.pdf rinon/ montserrat_minirin%CC%83ones.pdf
Institution: Fundación Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña · Contact: Edifici Administració. C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10-12 2a planta. 08028 Barcelona · E.mail: [email protected] Website:
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