Page 102 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
P. 102
Research groups
Nanostructured Films and Particles
Programme: Nanomedicine
Lead Researcher: Santamaría Ramiro, Jesús
Group members
STAFF MEMBERS: Martínez Martínez, Gema | Mas Font, Nuria.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Arruebo Gordo, Manuel | Balas Nieto, Francisco | Irusta Alderete, Silvia | Lobera González, María Pilar | Mallada Viana, Reyes | Moreno Vidorreta, Iván | Ortega Liébana, María del Carmen | Pina Iritia, María Pilar | Pradas Barriga, Irene | Sebastián Cabeza, Víctor.
CONTRIBUTORS: Carmona Rioja, Daniel | Encabo Berzosa, María del Mar | Giménez Mazas, Marta | Gómez Jiménez, Virginia | Gómez Navascués, Leyre | Hueso Martos, José Luis | Navascués García, Nuria | Pellejero Alcázar, Ismael | Urbiztondo Castro, Miguel Ángel | Usón Muñoz, Laura.
Main lines of research
CATALYSIS AND CATALYTIC REACTORS: Synthesis of catalytic nanoparticle clusters (metallic, bimetal- lic, core/shell and metal oxides) as well as methods for their deposition on different substrates (carbon nanostructures, mesoporous silica, zeolites). The di- rect heating of the active centers by unconventional techniques (microwave heating by laser irradiation or by magnetic hyperthermia) is especially interest- ing for our group. This specific topic has received one of the prestigious ERC Advanced Grants.
MOLECULAR RECOGNITION - SENSORS: Design of nanostructured materials with specific interactions with specific molecules and micro-gas sensors for high sensitivity and selectivity.
NANOMEDICINE: Research on the biomedical appli- cations of nanomaterials in cancer therapies (opti-
cal hyperthermia), gene therapy (nanoparticles as transfection vectors) and bactericidal applications (reservoirs for antimicrobial agents). Applications are tested in collaboration with other groups in this field: Dr N. Villaboa (HULP, Madrid - gene therapy and cell scaffolds), Dr Carles Arus (UAB - Medical Imag- ing), Dr MA de Gregorio (UZ - combination therapies in oncology) , Dr L. Luján (UZ - bactericidal appli- cations in trauma). In this area, an ERC Advanced Grant has been recently awarded.
NANOCOMPOSITES: Development of polymer based composites with different types of nanoma- terials with mechanical reinforcement applications, bactericidal plastics, magnetic and barrier films.
NANOSAFETY: Analysis of the impact of nanoma- terials in workplaces through the development of
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