The software is currently available for Windows XP and later. FocusDET is free for personal use, academic or research purposes and no formal support or maintenance is provided or implied. Thanks to a technology transfer agreement with Qubiotech Health Intelligence S.L, a new software with CE mark approval as a medical device for clinical use is available under the name NEUROCLOUD-SISCOM ( A NEUROCLOUD-SISCOM test will be provided on demand at
FocusDET users should acknowledge the software in their publications and inform us of these publications. The following citation may be used:
Martí Fuster, B., Esteban, O., Planes, X., Aguiar, P., Crespo, C., Falcon, C., Wollny, G., Rubí Sureda, S., Setoain, X., Frangi, A.F., Ledesma, M.J., Santos, A., Pavía, J., Ros, D. "FocusDET, A New Toolbox for SISCOM Analysis. Evaluation of the Registration Accuracy Using Monte Carlo Simulation". Neuroinformatics, 11(1):77-89. 2013".
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