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applications requiring multiparametric control.
• Systems/Applications. The developed technologies and devices will constitute useful tools to be used
both on the experimental bench as well as in medical and clinical applications.
• GBIO group has developed during the last few years an outstanding expertise in the design and
fabrication of Micro-Nano-Bio devices based either on silicon or biocompatible polymers. Biological signals obtained with these devices are usually subjected to post-acquisition conditioning and processing with the help of totally integrated systems.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Jung M., Brune B., Hotter G., Sola A. Macrophage-derived Lipocalin-2 contributes to ischemic resistance mechanisms by protecting from renal injury. Scientific Reports. 2016;6.
• Guimera X., Dorado A.D., Bonsfills A., Gabriel G., Gabriel D., Gamisans X. Dynamic characterization of external and internal mass transport in heterotrophic biofilms from microsensors measurements. Water Research. 2016;102:551-560.
• Yeste J., Illa X., Gutierrez C., Sole M., Guimera A., Villa R.. Geometric correction factor for transepithelial electrical resistance measurements in transwell and microfluidic cell cultures. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2016;49(37).
• Moya A., Sowade E., del Campo F.J., Mitra K.Y., Ramon E., Villa R. et al. All-inkjet-printed dissolved oxygen sensors on flexible plastic substrates. Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications. 2016;39:168-176.
• Hernando A., Lazaro J., Gil E., Arza A., Garzón J.M., López-Antón R. et al. Inclusion of Respiratory Frequency Information in Heart Rate Variability Analysis for Stress Assessment. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2016;20(4):1016-1025.
• Participation in the Graphene Flagship, the EU’s biggest research initiative, within the work package devoted to Biomedical Technologies (GrapheneCore1: Graphene-based disruptive technologies, H2020- Adhoc-2014-20)
• Approval and starting of a new European project (BrainCom: High-density cortical implants for cognitive neuroscience and rehabilitation of speech using brain-computer interfaces, FETPROACT-2016) para desarrollar una nueva generación de dispositivos prostéticos corticales que permitan la estimulación y seguimiento a gran escala de la actividad cortical para estudiar las funciones cognitivas superiores.
• 2 patents related to the methods for growing and transfer of graphene material: “Procedimiento de exfoliación y transferencia de grafeno de un sustrato de carburo de silicio dopado a otro sustrato” y “Procedimiento de obtención de Láminas de Cobre como sustrato para la producción de grafeno de alta calidad”.
• Prize “Las mejores ideas de 2016 de Diario Médico” (category of Investigation&Pharmacology) to the device Liver on a Chip developed together with the group of Dr. Jordi Gracia-Sancho (IDIBAPS & CIBEREHD).
Research Groups 35