Page 72 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
P. 72
Research groups
Nanobiotechnology for Diagnostics
Programme: Nanomedicine
Lead Researcher: Marco Colás, Ma Pilar
Group members
STAFF MEMBERS: González González, Ana Rosa | Hernández Albors, Alejandro | Mendoza Santana, Marlene | Salvador Vico, Juan Pablo | Scheper, Johanna Katharina.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Broto Avilés, Marta | Galve Bosch, Roger | González Pinacho, Daniel | Pascual Durán, Nuria | Ramón Azcón, Javier | Rodríguez Núñez, Montserrat | Sanchís Villariz, Ana.
CONTRIBUTORS: Colom Sanmartí, Gloria | Petanas Esteban, Salvador. Main lines of research
The Nanobiotechnology for Diagnostics (Nb4D) re- search group has been a recognized and awarded research group of the Catalonian Government since 2005. The general objective of its research is the in- vestigation of new approaches and strategies to im- prove the efficiency of current diagnostic methods. To achieve this goal the research addresses three funda- mental specific objectives:
1. The development and characterization of biore- ceptors with tailored properties.
2. The preparation of biohybrid functional materials resulting from the incorporation of specific biore- ceptors on micro/ nanostructured materials and devices.
3. The investigation of new nanobiotecnological ap- proaches for the development of a new generation of tools and devices that will increase the effective- ness of diagnosis in the clinical, food and environ- mental fields.
La actividad científica del grupo comenzó en 1996, The scientific activity of the group began in 1996 and was particularly focused on the development of antibodies and on the establishment of immunochemical meth- ods. In this respect, the group has an important collec- tion of immunoreagents for environmental pollutants including endocrine disruptors, pesticides or pharma- ceuticals. The group is running the CAbS (Custom Anti- body Service), a facility that provides internal and exter- nal services addressed at developing immunoreagents and providing scientific support in the immunodiag- nostic field. For more than eight years the scientific ob- jectives have been expanded to the biosensor and na- nobiotechnology fields. The associated increase of the know-how, expertise and capabilities of the Nb4D group has been achieved through its participation in a signifi- cant number of Spanish and FP European research pro- jects (FP4-FP7: INEXsPORT- ENV4-CT97-0476, TECA- COR- FAIR-CT98-9586; RADAR-GLK1-CT-2001-01670,
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