Page 70 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
P. 70
Research groups
Oncogenesis and Antitumour Drug Group
Programme: Nanomedicine
Lead Researcher: Mangues Bafalluy, Ramon
Group members
STAFF MEMBERS: Boullosa Goberna, Ana María | Cabrera Rodríguez, María del Carmen | Casanova Rigat, Isolda | Céspedes Navarro, Ma Virtudes.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: León Vintro, Francisco Javier | López Pousa, Antonio | Pavón Ribas, Miguel Ángel | Sancho Poch, Francisco José | Trías Folch, Manuel | Unzueta Elorza, Ugutz.
CONTRIBUTORS: Álamo Vargas, Patricia | Arroyo Solera, Irene | Del Canto González, Alexandra | Moreno Jiménez, María José | Navas Jiménez, Luis Carlos | Suárez Vasallo, Cristina.
Main lines of research
• Development of animal models of disseminated hu- man solid tumors and hematological neoplasias for the molecular study of metastatic stem cells, me- tastasis and resistance to therapy
• Preclinical development of nanoconjugates for tar- geted delivery and receptor-mediated antimetastat- ic therapy in solid tumors and inhibitory of dissemi- nation in haematological neoplasias
• Identification of molecular markers for the predic- tion of response to therapy and personalized thera- py in ocnology
70 I Annual report 2015 I CIBER-BBN