Page 69 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
GARCíA I., SáNCHEZ-IGLESIAS A., HENRIKSEN-LACEY M., GRZELCZAK M., PENADES S., LIZ-MARZAN L.M. Glycans as Biofunctional Ligands for Gold Nanorods: Stability and Targeting in Protein-Rich Media. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2015;137(10):3686-3692.
GARCíA I., HENRIKSEN-LACEY M., SáNCHEZ-IGLESIAS A., GRZELCZAK M., PENADES S., LIZ-MARZAN L.M. Residual CTAB ligands as mass spectrometry labels to monitor cel- lular uptake of Au nanorods. Journal of Physical Chemis- try Letters. 2015;6(11):2003-2008.
ECHEVERRIA B, ETXEBARRIA J, RUIZ N, HERNáNDEZ á, CALVO J, HABERGER M ET AL. Chemo-Enzymatic Synthesis of (13) C Labeled Complex N-Glycans As Internal Standards for
During 2015, the activities within the intramural projects and Glyco-HIV3 NANOSENFIBRO have continued. In the frame of the latter project, a set of new formulations based on gold nanoparticles have been prepared and tested for the induction of im- mune responses in samples from infected patients.
Among the most notable achievements of the group it is worth to mention the ERC- Proof of Concept Project (READCELL) approved by the European Re- search Council, based on the development of a sys- tem for the efficient and non-invasive harvesting and Release of Adherent Cells controlled by light. The objective of this call is to fund ideas to be brought to a pre-demonstration stage where potential com- mercialization opportunities have been identified. The results obtained with this methodology have been protected by a patent.
Within a translational medicine research line we col- laborate with the laboratory of Dr. Charles Lawrie at
the Absolute Glycan Quantification by Mass Spectrome- try.Analytical chemistry. 2015;87(22):11460-7.
BRZEZICKA K., ECHEVERRIA B., SERNA S., VAN DIEPEN A., HOK- KE C.H., REICHARDT N.-C. Synthesis and Microarray-Assist- ed Binding Studies of Core Xylose and Fucose Containing N-Glycans. ACS Chemical Biology. 2015;10(5):1290-1302.
DO NASCIMENTO A.S.F., SERNA S., BELOQUI A., ARDA A., SAM- PAIO A.H., WALCHER J. ET AL. Algal lectin binding to core (α1-6) fucosylated N-glycans: Structural basis for specific- ity and production of recombinant protein. Glycobiology. 2015;25(6):607-616.
Biodonostia Health Research Institute (accredited by the ISCIII) in the detection of tumor markers. This project focuses on the development of a lateral flow device for the specific detection of nucleic acids in the blood of cancer patients.
Also, Dr. Reichardt’s team has developed Carbo- Quant, a technology platform for the absolute quan- tification of glycans by mass spectrometry with ap- plications in clinical diagnostics and quality control of biopharmaceuticals. A market study and busi- ness plan for the commercialization of the technol- ogy through a spin-off company, for which investors are being sought, has been developed.
We have participated in several European projects, including the Marie Curie Network IMMUNOSHAPE, coordinated by Niels Reichardt. In addition, we have received and trained more than 26 students from different countries.
Institution: CIC biomaGUNE · Contact: CIC biomaGUNE Gliconanotecnologia. Unidad Nanomateriales Biofuncionales. P. Tecnológico de San Sebastián. Po Miramón, 182. Ed. Empresarial C. 20009 San Sebastián Tel.: 943 005 342 · Website:
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