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Mellitus. Investigation of combined open and closed loop systems to achieved normoglycemia in type 1 diabetes.
• DM-2, Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, Hyperlipidem- ia, Cardiovascular Risk.: We investigate the role of vitamin D in the prevention of DM and the MS (one PhD Thesis already ended in 2013).
• Endocrinology of Reproduction (Diabetes and Thyroid). - Monogenic diabetes and pregnancy. In- vestigation of the prevalence of MODY-2 and 3, as well as fetomaternal morbidities. - Gestation and Diabetes. Research activities involving macroso- mia, influences of race, and adaptative changes of therapeutic insulin regimens.
Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
BALSELLS M., GARCíA-PATTERSON A., SOLA I., ROQUE M., GICH I., CORCOY R. Glibenclamide, metformin, and insulin for the treatment of gestational diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ (Online). 2015;350.
MATO E, BARCELó-BATLLORI S, ORERA I, SELVA L, CORRA M, GONZáLEZ C ET AL. The proteomic 2D-DIGE approach re- veals the protein voltage-dependent anion channel 2 as a potential therapeutic target in epithelial thyroid tumours. Molecular and cellular endocrinology. 2015;404:37-45.
SIMMONS D, JELSMA JG, GALJAARD S, DEVLIEGER R, VAN ASS- CHE A, JANS G ET AL. Results From a European Multicenter Randomized Trial of Physical Activity and/or Healthy Eat-
Main results of research activities
To demonstrate, for the first time, VDAC2 gene as a new therapeutic target for epithelial thyroid neo- plasia. B-In collaboration with NanoBioCel, we have reported that sorafenib incorporated PGLA nanopar- ticles, surface modified with cetuximab, represent a new targeting approach for the treatment of ep- ithelial thyroid cáncer. C-Type 1 Diabetes Genome. EDUAB-HSP (A. de Leiva) belongs to the Internation- al Consortium “Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Network” (426 investigators from Europe and USA), supported by NIH, JDRF and Wellcome Trust Laboratory. The recent publication “Fine mapping of type 1 diabetes susceptibility loci and evidence for colocalization of causal variants with lymphoid gene enhancers”, Na- ture Genetics 2015 Apr; 47(4): 381-6.doi:10.1038/ ng.3245, has identified 4 genetic areas associated with autoimmune diabetes, and provided support for three additional novel T1DM loci (full list of inves- tigators available from
ing to Reduce the Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: The DALI Lifestyle Pilot.Diabetes care. 2015;38(9):1650-6.
FEIG D.S., CORCOY R., JENSEN D.M., KAUTZKY-WILLER A., NOLAN C.J., OATS J.J.N. ET AL. Diabetes in pregnancy out- comes: A systematic review and proposed codification of definitions. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews. 2015;31(7):680-690.
AULINAS A, COLOM C, GARCíA PATTERSON A, UBEDA J, MARíA MA, ORELLANA I ET AL. Smoking affects the oral glucose tol- erance test profile and the relationship between glucose and HbA1c in gestational diabetes mellitus.Diabetic med- icine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association. 2015.
Organization of 47th Annual Meeting, DPSG-EASD, October 2015.
The most relevant scientific European event in the field of Diabetes and Pregnancy (Alberto de Leiva, Chairman of the Meeting). Program-Book edited by EDUAB-DIABEM. EDUAB-HSP contributed with the Inaugural Lecture by Alberto de Leiva (Old and New Controversies on the Discovery of Insulin: Pancreat- ic Extracts”) and 6 exhibited and discussed posters. Congress participation included experts from most European countries, USA, Canada, Australia, Japón, Venezuela, Méjico, Chile and Argentina. (CME Accred- itation by UEMS).
Academic Coordination, Master of Clinical Androl- ogy (UAB).
Academic Program for the specialization as clinical andrologist (accredited by the European Academy of Andrology), organized by UAB and Fundació Puigvert. Academic Director and Coordination by Prof. Alberto de Leiva, EDUAB-HSP. Graduated students were medical specialists (urologists and endocrinologists) from Mex- ico, Venezuela, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba and Spain).
Institution: Instituto de Investigación del Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau · Contact: C/ St Antoni Ma Claret, 167, pabellón Sant Frederic, planta 1. 08025 Barcelona · E.mail: [email protected]
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