Page 66 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Research groups
Endocrinology and Diabetes Research Group
Programme: Bioengineering & Medical Image / Nanomedicine Lead Researcher: Leiva Hidalgo, Alberto
Group members
STAFF MEMBERS: Bell Ramírez, Olga Lidia | Mato Matute, Ma Eugenia. ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Chico Ballestero, Ana Isabel | Corcoy Pla, Rosa. CONTRIBUTORS: Cubero Marcos, José María | González Blanco, Cintia.
Main lines of research
• Markers of prognostic prediction: Implication of 21 genes in CDT. Development of data base, and a pri- vate collection of serum and tissue bank of epithe- lial thyroid cancer (more of 200 cases). We found he relationship between the expression of ABCG2/ BRCP transporter gen and the aggressiveness of the TPC-1human cell-line of thyroid cancer. We have identified differential hyper-and under-ex- pression of genes in PTC and FTC. 120 proteins have been identified by proteomic analysis.
• In vitro e in vivo evaluation of a an original thyroid chemotherapy. PGLA nanoparticles, loaded with an inhibitor of tyrosinkinase, recognize the neoplastic cells by a monoclonal antibody against EGFR.
• Diabetes Mellitus Autoinmune: Autoimmune Dia- betes Mellitus. EU Research Consortium that has
characterized the genetics, the immunology, the metabolic and the clinical phenotype of LADA in 11 european countries
Telemedicine and Intelligent Systems for the Ther- apeutical Optimization of Diabetes Mellitus: - PRE- DIRCAM Project. Original technological platform of CIBER-BBN, previously validated; at present, a mul- ticentric clinical trial is being developed in 3 Spanish University Hospitals. (Coordination, EDUAB-HSP) - CONCEPTT: Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) in Women with Type 1 Diabetes in Pregnancy Trial. First worldwide clinical trial to demonstrate the ben- efits of CGMS in diabetic pregnancy. EDUAB-HSP is a Member of the Steering Committee too (countries involved: Canada, Israel, Italy, Spain USA). - DALI Project: Lifestyle intervention in the prevention of Gestational Diabetes (GDM). It is a EU Research Pro- ject (7th Framework). - Telemedicine and Intelligent Systems for Therapeutic Optimization of Diabetes
66 I Annual report 2015 I CIBER-BBN

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