Page 74 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
P. 74
Research groups
Applied Molecular Chemistry
Group of the IDM
Programme: Nanomedicine
Lead Researcher: Martínez Máñez, Ramón
Group members
STAFF MEMBERS: Aznar Gimeno, Elena | Lozano Torres, Beatriz | Pérez Magallón, Begoña.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Benito Beorlegui, Ángel Francisco | Coll Merino, Ma del Carmen | Costero Nieto, Ana Ma | Gaviña Costero, Pablo | Gil Grau, Salvador | Lizondo Sabater, Josefina | Marcos Martínez, Ma Dolores
| Marín Hernández, Cristina | Murguía Ibáñez, José Ramon | Pardo Vicente, Teresa | Parra Álvarez, Margarita | Ribes Momparler, Ángela | Sancenón Galarza, Félix | Villaescusa Alonso, Luis Ángel | Vivancos Bonos, José Luis.
CONTRIBUTORS: Barba Bon, Andrea | Bataller Prats, Roman | De la Torre Paredes, Cristina | El Sayed Shihata Nasr, Sameh | Giménez Morales, Cristina | Moragues Pons, María Esperanza | Oroval Cucarella, Maria del Mar | Pascual i Vidal, Lluís | Sanfeliú Cano, Cristina | Santos Figueroa, Luis Enrique.
Main lines of research
Development of nanometric devices with ‘molecu- lar gates” for controlled release.
Our objective is to develop nano-systems containing “molecular gates” for releasing a certain payload at will. For that purpose, nanometric mesoporous sol- ids are used as support. Such gated mesoporous silica nanoparticles are able to retain a cargo inside the pore system and deliver it upon the application of a target chemical (redox molecules, selected an- ions, pH changes, etc.), physical (such as tempera- ture, magnetic fields or light) or biochemical (such as enzymes, antigens, DNA) stimuli.
Molecular probes.
We have experience in developing molecular chem- ical probes in which the recognition process is coupled to signaling. This applies to the design of probes for the in vitro or in vivo chromo-fluorogenic detection of molecules of interest.
Transverse capacities.
• Organic and inorganic synthesis.
• Preparation/functionalization of mesoporous mate-
• Preparation/functionalization of inorganic nanopar-
ticles (gold, silver, oxides, silica, etc).
74 I Annual report 2015 I CIBER-BBN