Page 56 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
P. 56
Research groups
Biomaterials Centre
Programme: Biomaterials & Advanced Therapies Lead Researcher: Gómez Ribelles, José Luis
Group members
STAFF MEMBERS: Rico Tortosa, Patricia | Teruel Biosca, Laura.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Gallego Ferrer, Gloria | Gómez Tejedor, José Antonio | Meseguer Dueñas, José
María | Monleón Pradas, Manuel | Sabater i Serra, Roser | Salmerón Sánchez, Manuel | Vidaurre Garayo, Ana. CONTRIBUTORS: Araque Monrós, Carmen.
Main lines of research
The research group of the Centre for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de València specializes in developing supporting bi- omaterials for cell transplantation in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering therapies.
Among the biomaterials developed by the group are macroporous scaffolds with different pore struc- tures produced either from medical grade biode- gradable polymers or with new synthetic polymers or chemically modified naturally occurring polysac- charides or proteins. Examples of products used in various biomedical applications are:
• Hydrogels based on crosslinked gelatin and hya- luronic acid in the presence of cells without com- promising their viability, • Biostable or bio- degradable synthetic “scaffolds” with modified
collagen, fibrin, hyaluronic acid or chitosan sur- face coatings • Channeled hyaluronic acid sup- ports with the ability to stimulate axonal growth, • Biodegradable or biostable synthetic micro- spheres with bioactive coatings • Biodegradable nanofiber mats • Controlled delivery systems for the release of drugs or bioactive molecules based on the above materials.
These materials are being used in the regeneration of different tissues and in therapies for regenerative medicine:
• Regeneration of articular cartilage • Bone substi- tutes • Regeneration of cornea and keratopros- thesis • Neural regeneration • Blood Cancers • Cardiovascular Regeneration • Muscle regenera- tion.
56 I Annual report 2015 I CIBER-BBN

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