Page 55 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
SERRAMIA M.J., ALVAREZ S., FUENTES-PANIAGUA E., CLEM- ENTE M.I., SáNCHEZ-NIEVES J., GóMEZ R. ET AL. In vivo deliv- ery of siRNA to the brain by carbosilane dendrimer. Jour- nal of Controlled Release. 2015;200:60-70.
SEPULVEDA-CRESPO D., SáNCHEZ-RODRIGUEZ J., SERRAMIA M.J., GóMEZ R., DE LA MATA F.J., JIMéNEZ J.L. ET AL. Triple combination of carbosilane dendrimers, tenofovir and maraviroc as potential microbicide to prevent HIV-1 sexu- al transmission. Nanomedicine. 2015;10(6):899-914.
SEPULVEDA-CRESPO D., SERRAMIA M.J., TAGER A.M., VR- BANAC V., GóMEZ R., DE LA MATA F.J. ET AL. Prevention vag- inally of HIV-1 transmission in humanized BLT mice and mode of antiviral action of polyanionic carbosilane den-
The activity of the group during 2015 has been cen- tered in the development of new dendritic nanosys- tems in two directions: (i) design of improved non-vi- ral vectors for gene therapy in HIV and cancer and (ii) design of HIV antiviral, antibacterial, anticancer and antineurodegenerative agents, funded by european (IRSES), national (CTQ2014-54004-P, MINECO and PIE14/00061, INTERCIBER) and regional (Consor- cio NANODENMED-CM) projects. The research car- ried out, focused in the search of a new therapeutic approach towards the HIV treatment based on the double and triple combined therapy of anionic den- drimers and retroviral drugs, achieving 100% of inhi- bition both in CCR5 and CXCR4 strains. Also, we are working in the use of combined therapy for bacteria and parasites, decreasing the concentration of the drug while keeping the activity when dendrimers are
drimer G2-S16. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine. 2015;11(6):1299-1308.
BRIZ V., SEPULVEDA-CRESPO D., DINIZ A.R., BORREGO P., RODES B., DE LA MATA F.J. ET AL. Development of water-sol- uble polyanionic carbosilane dendrimers as novel and highly potent topical anti-HIV-2 microbicides. Nanoscale. 2015;7(35):14669-14683.
MARTíNEZ A., FUENTES-PANIAGUA E., BAEZA A., SáNCHEZ- NIEVES J., CICUENDEZ M., GóMEZ R. ET AL. Mesoporous Sil- ica Nanoparticles Decorated with Carbosilane Dendrons as New Non-viral Oligonucleotide Delivery Carriers. Chem- istry - A European Journal. 2015;21(44):15651-15666.
added as adjuvants. In addition, new cationic den- dritic systems have been developed based on the dendronization of silica and gold nanoparticles to carry short nucleic acid (antisense oligonucleotides or siRNA) within different intramural CIBER-BBN projects.
Results of the research has led to 20 publications The group has continued intensifying its activities related to technology transfer applying for a nation- al Spanish patent based on the use of metallic nan- oparticles stabilized with carbosilane dendrons for biomedical applications. In this sense, in April 2015, we were awarded a second prize for the best pat- ent of the Comunity of Madrid, from the Madrid+d Foundation.
Institution: Universidad de Alcalá · Contact: Facultad de Farmacia. Edificio de Farmacia Campus Universitario. 28871 Alcalá de Henares · Tel.: 91 885 4685 · E.mail: [email protected]
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