Page 49 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
P. 49
Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
LEVATO R., PLANELL J.A., MATEOS-TIMONEDA M.A., ENGEL E. Role of ECM/peptide coatings on SDF-1α triggered mes- enchymal stromal cell migration from microcarriers for cell therapy. Acta Biomaterialia. 2015;18:59-67.
SáNCHEZ-FERRERO A., MATA A., MATEOS-TIMONEDA M.A., RODRIGUEZ-CABELLO J.C., ALONSO M., PLANELL J. ET AL. Development of tailored and self-mineralizing citric ac- id-crosslinked hydrogels for in situ bone regeneration. Bio- materials. 2015;68:42-53.
Won J.-E., Mateos-Timoneda M.A., Castano O., Planell J.A., Seo S.-J., Lee E.-J. et al. Fibronectin immobilization on to robotic-dispensed nanobioactive glass/polycaprolactone scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Biotechnology Let- ters. 2015;37(4):935-942.
BAELO A., LEVATO R., JULIAN E., CRESPO A., ASTOLA J., GAV- ALDA J. ET AL. Disassembling bacterial extracellular matrix with DNase-coated nanoparticles to enhance antibiotic delivery in biofilm infections. Journal of Controlled Re-
SACHOT N., MATEOS-TIMONEDA M.A., PLANELL J.A., VELDERS A.H., LEWANDOWSKA M., ENGEL E. ET AL. Towards 4th gener- ation biomaterials: A covalent hybrid polymer-ormoglass architecture. Nanoscale. 2015;7(37):15349-15361.
Production of polymeric biomaterials using different fabrication techniques. By using a polymer nano- precipitation technique, the group produced nano- particles for antibiotic drug delivery that effectively treated persistent bacterial infections. The use of a jet break-up polymer precipitation technique togeth- er with protein/peptide functionalization allowed the group to produce micro particles for effective cell delivery.
The production of structured bioactive nanocom- posites that can enhance vascularization, bone and skin regeneration, either by electrospinning, rapid prototyping or microparticles production. Recent
lease. 2015;209:150-158.
advances describe a novel hybrid material which faithfully mimics the structure of bone’s extracellu- lar matrix, recreating the molecular architecture
and biochemical environment to surround cells with the proper stimuli to spread and grow. Other bioma- terials developed in the group such as hybrid fibrous mats with different contents of calcium-releasing nanoparticles are able to induce angiogenesis in in vivo models .In 2015, the Dermoglass project was selected for funding under the first CaixaImpulse call, a funding programme promoted by the Obra Social “la Caixa”, that aims to promote technology transfer in science.
Institution: Fundación Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña · Contact: Ins. de Bioingeniería de Cataluña C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10-12, 2o. 08028 Barcelona · Tel.: 93 402 02 10 · E.mail: [email protected] Website:
CIBER-BBN I Annual report 2015 I 49