Page 98 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
P. 98
leaD reSearcher
Ruiz Romero, Cristina
Servicio Gallego de Salud
Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña
C. de Investigación Biomédica, Servicio de Reumatología,
C/ As Xubias, 84
15006 A Coruña
(+34) 981176399 ext. 292494 [email protected] group Website
Staff members: Fernández Moreno, Mercedes | Filgueira Fernández, Purificación
Associated members: De Toro Santos, Francisco Javier | Díaz Prado, Silvia María | Fernández Burguera, Elena | Fuentes Boquete, Isaac | López Peláez, Eduardo | Oreiro Villar, Natividad | Rendal Vázquez, María Esther | Silva Magalhaes, Joana Cristina
Contributors: Arufe Gondar, María | Fernández Pernas, Pablo | Freire Ruaño, Alicia | Hermida Gómez, Tamara | Sanjurjo Rodríguez, Clara | Vela Anero, Ángela
Main lines of research
• Development of cell therapy and tissue engineering strategies for cartilage repair.
• Ex vivo models of cartilage defect for the evaluation of cartilage regeneration.
• Proteomic, genomic and histomorphologic studies of the chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal
stem cells derived from different sources.
• Characterization of proteins and peptides as biomarkers of the cartilaginous tissue that could
ultimately be used in the monitoring of cell therapy strategies for articular cartilage defects.
Biomaterials & Advanced Therapies