Page 100 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
P. 100
leaD reSearcher
Samitier Martí, Josep
Fundación Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña Edifici Administració
C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10-12, 2a pl. 08028 Barcelona
[email protected]
group Website
Staff members: Lagunas Targarona, Ana | Mir Llorente, Mónica
Associated members: Altay, Gizem | Caballero Vila, David | Martínez Fraiz, Elena | Montserrat Pulido, Núria | Rigat Brugarolas, Luis
Contributors: Funes Luque, Miriam | Izquierdo García, David | Pardo, Wilmer Alfonso
Main lines of research
The scientific activity of NANOMED-IBEC group is focused in the application of nanotechnology and Bioengineering to the development of new diagnostic tools (point-of-care devices for diagnosis or for food safety applications) and to the development of organ-on-chip for in vitro studies.
To do that, the group is subdivided in three main research lines:
• Biosensors and Lab-on-a-chip for clinical diagnosis and food safety applications:
-Development of DNA sensors for the detection of cancer biomarkers.
-Development of antibody-based sensors for the detection of pathogen microorganisms. -Development of olfactory sensors based on G-protein coupled receptors for the detection of volatiles. -Development of ion-selective electrodes (ISE) for nutrient analysis.
-Development of sensors based on conducting polymers.
-Development of microfluidic platforms for simple handling and detection.
-Development of microfluidic platforms for bacteria counting and sorting.
• Materials for the study of cellular response:
-Design, production and characterization of micro/nanoenvironments made of different biocompatible materials for the study of cell proliferation, migration and differentiation. In particular, study of the