Page 89 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
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• Exploring the physiopathological mechanisms of connexinopathies: Role of Connexin-36 in Epilepsy; Therapeutic approaches for stroke in preclinical models.
• Interaction of brain functions with very low frequency and intensity pulsed electromagnetic fields; Pain Brain DTI-MRI Function in Transgenic mice; Pulsed Magnetic Field Stimulation to enhance Neurite Growth.
• Bioinspired fibres for biomedical applications applied to biostructural prosthesis.
• Microanatomical and neurochemical alterations of the cerebral cortex in Alzheimer’s.
• Biomedical Informatics: natural language processing, indexing and knowledge discovery; MEG data analysis.
Big data analytics to predict biomarkers for early stages of Alzheimer and Parkinson.
• Technology to empower healthy habits to manage habit changing.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Fernández-García L., Mari-Buye N., Barios J.A., Madurga R., Elices M., Pérez-Rigueiro J. et al. Safety and tolerability of silk fibroin hydrogels implanted into the mouse brain. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016;45:262-275.
• Caballero-Ruiz E., García-Sáez G., Rigla M., Villaplana M., Pons B., Hernando M.E. Automatic classification of glycaemia measurements to enhance data interpretation in an expert system for gestational diabetes. Expert Systems with Applications. 2016;63:386-396.
• Martínez-Moreno J.M., Sánchez-González P., Luna M., Roig T., Tormos J.M., Gómez E.J. Modelling ecological cognitive rehabilitation therapies for building virtual environments in brain injury. Methods of Information in Medicine. 2016;55(1):50-59.
• García-García F., Benito P.J., Hernando M.E. Automatic identification of physical activity intensity and modality from the fusion of accelerometry and heart rate data. Methods of Information in Medicine. 2016;55(6):533-544.
• Ahumada L.A.C., González M.X.R., Sandoval O.L.H., Olmedo J.J. S. Evaluation of hyaluronic acid dilutions at different concentrations using a quartz crystal resonator (QCR) for the potential diagnosis of arthritic diseases. Sensors (Switzerland). 2016;16(11).
• Highlights: Core partner of the EIT-Health program; Collaboration in HBP (Human Brain Project); Early biomarker MEG-based for cognitive decline in the early stages of dementia, multicenter study (MAGIC)
• Patents: 4 in 2016
• Start-ups: Nauta Tecnomedical Research.s.l. and Brain Investigation.s.l.
• Research outcomes: Cognitive functions and neurophysiological phenomena in normal subjects and in patients
with different neurological or psychiatric disorders. Design of medical devices: development of new sensors
and nanoparticules-based instruments. Optics, Photonics and Biophotonics (UPM): develop label-free optical in-vitro diagnostic systems. Technologies for Healthy Ageing: comprehensive frailty and functional decline assessment, and cognitive decline biomarkers to phenotype the effects of ageing on brain functional networks. Understanding the structural and functional organization of biological systems using nonlinear dynamics and network science. Cell therapy based on biomaterials, pharmacologic approaches to treat stroke and Alzheimer’s diseases. Therapeutic applications and clinical trials of low intensity and frequency electromagnetic fields, applied to fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, muscle injury. New biomaterials, mainly based on silk fibroin or collagen, for applications in tissue engineering. Data Mining and Simulation of medical information to extract knowledge. Diabetes Technologies development: artificial pancreas, telemedicine platforms, and algorithms for physical activity in diabetes. Surgical Simulation: Planning and Image Guided Surgery, Technology for minimally invasive surgery. Neurorehabilitation services and modeling, modeling and intelligent adaptation of upper-limb neurorehabilitation therapies, knowledge management and data mining applied to neurorehabilitation, analysis and classification of structural alterations resulting from an acquired brain injury based on medical imaging.
• Education: Flagship (E-Labs) BIOTEL Lab - Biomedical technology Entrepeneurship and Innovation Lab. Digital learning: MOOCs for careers to manage the functional loss. MOOC to promote/ health literacy and lifestyle changes in elderly citizens/patients.
• International Conferences organisation: FRAILTY. A societal challenge in need of integrated solutions, 27-28 Oct 2016. Madrid. II Symposium on Magnetoencephalography: From Research to Clinical applications. Madrid.
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