Page 82 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
P. 82
leaD reSearcher
Pavía Segura, Javier
Universidad de Barcelona
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona c/ Villarroel, 170
08039 Barcelona
[email protected]
group Website
Staff members: Salvadó Blasco, Gemma | Tudela Fernández, Raúl
Associated members: Cot Sanz, Albert | Falcón Falcón, Carlos | Gispert López, Juan Domingo | Juvells Prades, Ignacio | Pareto Onghena, Deborah | Ros Puig, Domingo | Sempau Roma, Josep | Setoain Peregó, Javier | Soria Rodríguez, Guadalupe
Contributors: Gallego, Judit | Herance Camacho, Raúl | Martí Fuster, Berta | Pino Sorroche, Francisco | Roé Vellvé, Núria
Main lines of research
• Monte Carlo Simulation: development and optimization of simulators.
• Tomographic reconstruction in emission tomography.
• Quantification of neurotransmission SPECT studies in neurodegenerative diseases.
• Quantification of PET studies with radiotracers binding beta-amyloid protein in Alzheimer disease.
• Multimodal image analysis in refractory epilepsy.
• Statistical analysis of emission tomography images.
• Statistical analysis of functional and structural MRI.
• Parametric images obtained from the diffusion tensor.
• Development of high-field MRI acquisition protocols (7T) for animals. .
Bioengineering & Medical Imaging

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