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Most relevant scientific articles
• Bodelón G., Montes-García V., López-Puente V., Hill E.H., Hamon C., Sanz-Ortiz M.N. et al. Detection and imaging of quorum sensing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm communities by surface- enhanced resonance Raman scattering. Nature Materials. 2016;15(11):1203-1211.
• Giner-Casares J.J., Henriksen-Lacey M., García I., Liz-Marzán L.M. Plasmonic Surfaces for Cell Growth and Retrieval Triggered by Near-Infrared Light. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 2016.
• Fernández C., González-Rubio G., Langer J., Tardajos G., Liz-Marzán L.M., Giraldo R. et al. Nucleation of Amyloid Oligomers by RepA-WH1-Prionoid-Functionalized Gold Nanorods. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 2016;55(37):11237-11241.
• Brzezicka K., Vogel U., Serna S., Johannssen T., Lepenies B., Reichardt N.-C. Influence of Core β-1,2- Xylosylation on Glycoprotein Recognition by Murine C-type Lectin Receptors and Its Impact on Dendritic Cell Targeting. ACS Chemical Biology. 2016;11(8):2347-2356.
• Espinosa A., Silva A.K.A., Sánchez-Iglesias A., Grzelczak M., Pechoux C., Desboeufs K. et al. Cancer Cell Internalization of Gold Nanostars Impacts Their Photothermal Efficiency In Vitro and In Vivo: Toward a Plasmonic Thermal Fingerprint in Tumoral Environment. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2016.
During 2016, activities within the intramural projects of the nanomedicine area were continued, coordinating the excellence project, NANOTLVAC and participating in the following projects coordinated by different CIBER-BBN groups: GOLIATH, NANOPROBE, DYNAMIC-VASC- 2, and GLYCOTHYROIDCANCER.
• Among the most notable achievements of the group were the establishment of the company Asparia
Glycomics, specialized in the production and commercialization of reagents, reference standards, kits and software for the analysis of glycans in clinical diagnosis and for the control of the quality
of biopharmaceuticals. The business initiative markets the leading technology developed by Niels Reichardt’s laboratory to quantify glycans more accurately and faster than existing solutions on the market.
• Within a line of translational medicine, the group of Prof. Liz-Marzán collaborates with the Biodonostia and Biocruces Institutes of Sanitary Research (both accredited by the ISCIII) in the detection of Tumor markers. This project focuses on the development of a lateral flow device for the specific detection of nucleic acids in the blood of cancer patients.
• It is also worth noting the collaboration between the group of Dr. Niels Reichardt and the group of Dr. Emilio Pérez-Trallero (Area of infectious diseases) in Biodonostia in the development of a faster method of identification of antibiotic resistance of bacterial pathogens based in mass spectrometry.
• In addition, two patent applications have been accepted: “Method for the characterization of intermolecular interactions” and “Methods for making microarrays and their uses”
• We have participated in different projects at the European, national and regional level highlighting two projects funded by the Health Department of the Basque Government within the Ris3 research and innovation strategy in bioscience-health 2020. In addition, we have received and trained more than 33 Students from different countries, obtaining 5 of them the doctoral degree.
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