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mechanisms that regulate this fine balance between malleability and integrity we develop tools to map epithelial tension during tissue stretching. By combining these tools with computational modeling, we determined the mechanisms of epithelial fracture. Intriguingly, one of such mechanisms is hydraulic fracturing or “fracking”.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Sunyer R., Conte V., Escribano J., Elosegui-Artola A., Labernadie A., Valon L. et al. Collective cell durotaxis emerges from long-range intercellular force transmission. Science. 2016;353(6304):1157-1161.
• Ladoux B., Mege R.-M., Trepat X. Front-Rear Polarization by Mechanical Cues: From Single Cells to Tissues. Trends in Cell Biology. 2016;26(6):420-433.
• Elosegui-Artola A., Oria R., Chen Y., Kosmalska A., Pérez-González C., Castro N. et al. Mechanical regulation of a molecular clutch defines force transmission and transduction in response to matrix rigidity. Nature Cell Biology. 2016;18(5):540-548.
• Tekeli I., Aujard I., Trepat X., Jullien L., Raya A., Zalvidea D. Long-term in vivo single-cell lineage tracing of deep structures using three-photon activation. Light: Science and Applications. 2016;5(6).
• Plutoni C., Bazellieres E., Le Borgne-Rochet M., Comunale F., Brugues A., Seveno M. et al. P-cadherin promotes collective cell migration via a Cdc42-mediated increase in mechanical forces. Journal of Cell Biology. 2016;212(2):199-217.
• TENSIONCONTROL: Multiscale regulation of epithelial tension (2015-2019). IP: Xavier Trepat, European Research Council - CoG.
• MICROGRADIENTPAGE: Micro Gradient Polyacrylamide Gels for High Throughput Electrophoresis Analysis (2014-2015). IP: Xavier Trepat, European Research Council - PoC.
• CAMVAS: Coordination and migration of cells during 3D Vasculogenesis (2014-2017). IP: Xavier Trepat, MARIE CURIE - IOF.
• ADHESIONFORCE: The mechanome of epithelial adhesion: unveiling the mechanisms of intercellular force detection, resistance, and transmission (2013-2015). IP: Xavier Trepat, MINECO.
• CAFFORCE: Physical forces driving fibroblast-led cancer cell migration (2014-2015). IP: Xavier Trepat, Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships.
• Mechanics of Monolayer Migration (2011-2016). Co-Investigator: Xavier Trepat (PI: Jeffrey Fredberg, Harvard School of Public Health), National Institutes of Health, USA.
• Grup de recerca consolidat (2014-2016), IP: Xavier Trepat, Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR). Convocatòria d’ajuts per donar suport a les activitats dels grups de recerca de Catalunya.
Scientific equipment and techniques
Soft Lithography / Micro/Nano fabrication / Cell stretching / Live Confocal Microcopy / Magnetic Tweezers / Magnetic Twisting Cytometry / Monolayer stress microscopy / Traction microscopy.
• Julien Colombelli / Eduard Batlle Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) Barcelona.
• Marino Arroyo Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona.
• Guillaume Charras / Roberto Mayor University College London, UK.
• Erik Sahai Cancer Research, UK.
• Benoit Ladoux Université Paris 7, France.
• Jim Butler / Jeff Fredberg Harvard University, Boston.
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