Page 104 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
P. 104
leaD reSearcher
Santamaría Ramiro, Jesús
Universidad de Zaragoza
Inst. Univ. de Investigación en Nanociencia de Aragón Campus Río Ebro.
C/ Mariano Esquillor, s/n. 50018 Zaragoza
[email protected]
group Website
Staff members: Martínez Martínez, Gema | Mas Font, Nuria
Associated members: Arruebo Gordo, Manuel | Balas Nieto, Francisco | Irusta Alderete, Silvia | Lobera González, María Pilar | Mallada Viana, Reyes | Moreno Vidorreta, Iván | Ortega Liébana, María del Carmen | Ortiz de Solorzano, Isabel | Pina Iritia, María Pilar | Pradas Barriga, Irene | Sebastián Cabeza, Víctor Contributors: Carmona Rioja, Daniel | Encabo Berzosa, María del Mar | Giménez Mazas, Marta | Gómez Jiménez, Virginia | Gómez Navascués, Leyre | Hueso Martos, José Luis | Navascués García, Nuria | Pellejero Alcázar, Ismael | Urbiztondo Castro, Miguel Ángel | Usón Muñoz, Laura
Main lines of research
• Catalysis and catalytic reactors: Synthesis of catalytic nanoparticle clusters (metallic, bimetallic, core/shell and metal oxides) as well as methods for their deposition on different substrates (carbon nanostructures, mesoporous silica, zeolites). The direct heating of the active centers by unconventional techniques (microwave heating by laser irradiation or by magnetic hyperthermia) is especially interesting for our group. This specific topic has received one of the prestigious ERC Advanced Grants.
• Molecular recognition - sensors: Design of nanostructured materials with specific interactions with specific molecules and micro-gas sensors for high sensitivity and selectivity.
• Nanomedicine: Research on the biomedical applications of nanomaterials in cancer therapies (optical hyperthermia), gene therapy (nanoparticles as transfection vectors) and bactericidal applications (reservoirs for antimicrobial agents). Applications are tested in collaboration with other groups in this field: Dr N. Villaboa (HULP, Madrid - gene therapy and cell scaffolds), Dr Carles Arus (UAB - Medical Imaging), Dr MA de Gregorio (UZ - combination therapies in oncology) , Dr L. Luján (UZ - bactericidal applications in trauma). In this area, an ERC Advanced Grant has been recently awarded.
• Nanocomposites: Development of polymer based composites with different types of nanomaterials with mechanical reinforcement applications, bactericidal plastics, magnetic and barrier films.

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