Page 79 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
P. 79
Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
MORENO-INDIAS I, TORRES M, MONTSERRAT JM, SáNCHEZ-AL- COHOLADO L, CARDONA F, TINAHONES FJ ET AL. Intermittent hypoxia alters gut microbiota diversity in a mouse model of sleep apnoea.The European respiratory journal. 2015.
TORRES M., ROJAS M., CAMPILLO N., CARDENES N., MONT- SERRAT J.M., NAVAJAS D. ET AL. Parabiotic model for dif- ferentiating local and systemic effects of continuous and intermittent hypoxia. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2015;118(1):42-47.
VIZOSO M., PUIG M., CARMONA F.J., MAQUEDA M., VELASQUEZ A., GóMEZ A. ET AL. Aberrant DNA methylation in non-small
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a very prevalent disease characterized by patient exposure to in- termittent hypoxic events. We have addressed the basic mechanisms involved in the consequences of this disease. We have established and validated a parabiotic mouse model, two animals sharing circulation by surgical union through the skin, and confirmed the hypothesis that when one of the parabionts breathes room air and the other one is subjected to hypoxic air, both mice share system- ic circulation but remain normoxic and hypoxic, respectively. This novel model is useful to investi- gate the effects of local and systemic intermittent hypoxia. In another study in mice we proved for the first time that intermittent hypoxia modifies the mi- croenvironment oxygenation and the microbiota in the gut. Evidence of altered fecal microbiota com- position and diversity suggests that physiological interplays between host and gut microbiota could be deregulated in OSA.
Acute lung injury is a severe disease associated with disruption of the alveolar epithelial cell monolayer. The underlying mechanisms of alveolar barrier dam- age and repair remain poor known. The origin of
cell lung cancer-associated fibroblasts. Carcinogenesis. 2015;36(12):1453-1463.
CASARES L, VINCENT R, ZALVIDEA D, CAMPILLO N, NAVAJAS D, ARROYO M ET AL. Hydraulic fracture during epithelial stretching.Nature materials. 2015;14(3):343-51.
KOSMALSKA A.J., CASARES L., ELOSEGUI-ARTOLA A., THOT- TACHERRY J.J., MORENO-VICENTE R., GONZáLEZ-TARRAGO V. ET AL. Physical principles of membrane remodelling during cell mechanoadaptation. Nature Communications. 2015;6.
fracture in epithelial cell sheets subject to stretch is commonly attributed to excess tension in the cells’ cytoskeleton, in the plasma membrane, or in cell-cell contacts. We showed a new poroelastic mechanism involved in the disruption of epithelial cell monolay- er subjected to stretch. We also showed that the 3D remodelling of the cell membrane during cell mechanoadaptation can be explained by a purely mechanical process generating different types of membrane invaginations that can repeatedly store and release large fractions of cell membrane. Once formed, cells reabsorb the invaginations through an active process with duration of the order of minutes.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Our current knowledge of the ab- errant genomic DNA methylation in tumor-associ- ated fibroblasts (TAFs) is very scarce. We therefore conducted genome-wide DNA methylation profiling on lung TAFs and paired control fibroblasts. Our findings shed light on the unique origin and molec- ular alterations underlying the aberrant phenotype of lung TAFs, and identify a stromal biomarker with potential clinical relevance.
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona · Contact: Facultad de Medicina. C/ Casanova 143
08036 Barcelona. Tel.: 93 402 45 15 · E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
CIBER-BBN I Annual report 2015 I 79

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