Page 77 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
BRIZ V., SEPULVEDA-CRESPO D., DINIZ A.R., BORREGO P., RODES B., DE LA MATA F.J. ET AL. Development of water-sol- uble polyanionic carbosilane dendrimers as novel and highly potent topical anti-HIV-2 microbicides. Nanoscale. 2015;7(35):14669-14683.
SEPULVEDA-CRESPO D., SERRAMIA M.J., TAGER A.M., VR- BANAC V., GóMEZ R., DE LA MATA F.J. ET AL. Prevention vag- inally of HIV-1 transmission in humanized BLT mice and mode of antiviral action of polyanionic carbosilane den- drimer G2-S16. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine. 2015;11(6):1299-1308.
SEPúLVEDA-CRESPO D, GóMEZ R, DE LA MATA FJ, JIMéNEZ JL, MUñOZ-FERNáNDEZ Má. Polyanionic carbosilane den- drimer-conjugated antiviral drugs as efficient microbi-
In 2015 we improved nanotechnology used in infec- tious diseases. HSV-2 as HIV-1 is acquired during sexual transmission and affects the genital area. Studies have shown that HSV-2 genital ulceration is associated with increased risk of acquiring HIV infection. Our vaginal microbicide polianionic car- bosilan dendrimers gel impeded 85% of HIV-1 infec- tion in a humanized mouse model (BLT-mice) as a concept proof. We showed that combination of the polianionic carbosilan dendrimers with tenofovir/ maraviroc, working in the first steps of HIV viral rep- lication cycle as microbicide, stopped 100% the HIV -1 infections. We have shown that this dendrimer inhibit 100% of HSV-2 in vaginal and in rectum. We went from traslational to clinical research having developed a vaginal and rectal microbicide for top- ical application. This proved to be a breakthrough in our research not only in the use of dendrimers as microbicides, also in the use of dendrimers as de- livery systems, biodistribution, toxicology, etc in an- imal models. We used these nanosytems and other new such as different nanoparticles as anti-latency
cides: Recent trends and developments in HIV treatment/ therapy.Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine. 2015;11(6):1481-98.
SERRAMIA M.J., ALVAREZ S., FUENTES-PANIAGUA E., CLEM- ENTE M.I., SáNCHEZ-NIEVES J., GóMEZ R. ET AL. In vivo deliv- ery of siRNA to the brain by carbosilane dendrimer. Jour- nal of Controlled Release. 2015;200:60-70.
SEPULVEDA-CRESPO D., SáNCHEZ-RODRIGUEZ J., SERRAMIA M.J., GóMEZ R., DE LA MATA F.J., JIMéNEZ J.L. ET AL. Triple combination of carbosilane dendrimers, tenofovir and maraviroc as potential microbicide to prevent HIV-1 sexu- al transmission. Nanomedicine. 2015;10(6):899-914.
drugs in HIV infection, therapeutic vaccines against HIV-1 infection with dendritic cells. We established the in vitro and in vivonanobioguiaded platform with the objective to test new nanosystems against other infectious diseases caused by HSV-2, HCV, Chijungunya, ebola...We got very promising results, showing how various nanosystems depending on their synthesis, nucleus, peripheral charges, gener- ation, etc act against different virus. This clarifies that inhibition of HIV/HSV-2 entry carries on to be a promising target for drug development due to the fact that nanotechnology can transform the field of HIV/HSV-2 prevention by improving the efficacy of the currently available antiviral treatments. We con- tributed to develop a new treatments against HIV-1, HSV-2, HCV and to the search of potential cure for viral infections. We begun a new line of research on tumor and degenerative diseases.
Institution: Servicio Madrileño de Salud · Contact: Hospital Gregorio Marañón
C/ Ibiza 43. 28009 Madrid · E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
CIBER-BBN I Annual report 2015 I 77