Page 61 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
SARLABOUS L., TORRES A., FIZ J.A., GEA J., MARTíNEZ-LLO- RENS J.M., JANE R. Efficiency of mechanical activation of inspiratory muscles in COPD using sample entropy. Euro- pean Respiratory Journal. 2015;46(6):1808-1811.
VIZOSO M., PUIG M., CARMONA F.J., MAQUEDA M., VELASQUEZ A., GóMEZ A. ET AL. Aberrant DNA methylation in non-small cell lung cancer-associated fibroblasts. Carcinogenesis. 2015;36(12):1453-1463.
GUAITA M., MELIA U., VALLVERDU M., CAMINAL P., VILASECA I., MONTSERRAT J.M. ET AL. Regularity of cardiac rhythm as a marker of sleepiness in sleep disordered breathing. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(4).
The group has developed basic and translational re- search in the framework of the projects:
• “Cost effective self-management of urinary
incontinence addressed to women across Eu- rope” (643535 - WOMEN-UP, H2020), 2015-18. PI: Miguel Ángel Mañanas.
• “Serious games on heart failure patients. Esti- mation of their benefits on the Spanish health system” (TEC2013-44666-R), 2014-15. PI: Pere Caminal, Alexandre Perera.
• “Design of methods for assessing processes of neurological and neuromuscular decline as- sociated with aging” (NEUROAGING, DPI2014- 59049-R), 2015-17. PI: Miguel Ángel Mañanas, Sergio Romero.
• “Biomedical Signal Processing and Interpreta- tion (BIOSPIN)” (2014 SGR 1569), 2014-16. PI: Raimon Jané
• “Bioinformatics and Biomedical Signals Labo- ratory (B2SLab)” (2014 SGR 1063), 2014-16. PI: Alexandre Perera.
Furthermore, the group has coordinated three intra- mural projects of the CIBER-BBN (2014-2015):
• MUDIRES-2PSD: “Multimodal Diagnosis by Signal
Interpretation of the Respiratory System oriented to Pulmonary Diseases and Sleep Disorders”.
MELIA U., VALLVERDU M., BORRAT X., VALENCIA J.F., JOSPIN M., JENSEN E.W. ET AL. Prediction of nociceptive responses during sedation by linear and non-linear measures of EEG signals in high frequencies. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(4).
MIGLIORELLI C., ALONSO J.F., ROMERO S., MAANAS M.A., NOWAK R., RUSSI A. Automatic BSS-based filtering of me- tallic interference in MEG recordings: Definition and valida- tion using simulated signals. Journal of Neural Engineer- ing. 2015;12(4).
• ULTRASEN-4BIO-2MD: “Characterization and eval- uation of novel ultrasensitive piezoresistive all-or- ganic sensors for biomedical signals applied to multimodal diagnosis”.
• ROBERT: “ROBotic arm and high density Elec- tromyography for upper- limb Rehabilitation and Therapy”.
and has participated in:
• INTER-CARDIO: “Computer-assisted interpreta-
tion of electrical signals: a step forward in un-
derstanding and treating cardiac diseases”.
The group have published 19 articles in JCR indexed journals and 10 publications in IEEE/CinC confer- ences indexed in Pubmed / MEDLINE / IEEEXplore.. In addition, the following doctoral thesis have been presented:
• “Detection of Transcription Factor Binding Sites
by Means of Multivariate Signal Processing Techniques”, 21/07/2015, Universitat de Barce- lona. Autor: Erola Pairó. Director: Santiago Mar- co, Alexandre Perera.
• “Análisis de la interacción cardíaca y respiratoria en pacientes con cardiomiopatía y pacientes en proceso de extubación”, 27-10-2015, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Autor: Andrés Ricardo Ar- centales Viteri. Director: Beatriz F. Giraldo Giraldo.
Institution: Fundación Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña · Contact: Inst. de Bioingeniería de Cataluña Edificio FME/UPC Pau Gargallo, 5 08028 Barcelona · Tel.: 934 039 977 · E.mail: [email protected] Website: ·
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