Page 59 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
CóRDOBA A., MONJO M., HIERRO-OLIVA M., GONZáLEZ- MARTíN M.L., RAMIS J.M. Bioinspired Quercitrin Nanocoat- ings: A Fluorescence-Based Method for Their Surface Quantification, and Their Effect on Stem Cell Adhesion and Differentiation to the Osteoblastic Lineage. ACS Ap- plied Materials and Interfaces. 2015;7(30):16857-16864.
Research groups
An important part of the activity of the research group along the 2015 has been focused on the col- laboration with several research groups, contribut- ing with our knowledge on bacterial colonization of surfaces and on surface characterization. We have been working together with other groups from CIBER-BBN, within the framework of the internal projects or not, but also with some other external groups in the University of Illes Balears and in the National Hospital for Paraplegic. Also we continue in the consolidation of some other collaborations with- in our environment that are especially relevant for us. They are with two Services in the Hospital Infan- ta Cristina in Badajoz, those of Maxillofacial Surgery and Interventional Radiology.
Also, we have registered two patents. One of them, on a new biodegradable material, in cooperation with other CIBER-BBN group. A second patent is on a procedure for obtaining specific topographical features on surfaces. This is very useful for the re- search on the consequences of topography of sub- strate on the bacterial adhesion.
Besides, we have taken part in several applications in European calls and maintained an intense forma- tive activity.
Institution: Universidad de Extremadura · Contact: Facultad de Ciencias. Av. Elvas, s/n. 06071 Badajoz Tel.: 924 289 532 · E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
CIBER-BBN I Annual report 2015 I 59