Page 33 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
P. 33
Research groups
Main lines of research
GBIO Research Group: New technologies, devices • Devices. The goal at this level is to develop mi-
and systems for biomonitoring.
The main objective of the GBIO group is the devel- opment of technically feasible, economically viable and clinically usable micro-nano-bio systems to measure key parameters related to the state or evo- lution of a living organism at a given moment.
This is achieved through the development of:
• Technology. The key concern is the development of new technologies that can lead to the devel- opment and manufacture of microsensors not only technically and economically viable, but also adaptable to the requirements of specific applica- tions. This means that besides the current tech- nologies based on silicon substrates, also silicon carbide and / or polymeric substrates could be also used to fulfill specific needs because of their special properties, such as hardness, flexibility or low cost. Alternative surface treatments should be also developed in order to build new sensors, for improved function or to avoid undesired ef- fects.
crosensor devices, multi-micro sensors, sensing arrays or sensor platforms for measuring phys- ical, chemical and biological parameters and components such as oxygen, impedance, pH, dif- ferent type of anions and cations, temperature, or proteins, for example, using an integrated unique device. The ultimate objective is to enable easy multiple monitoring in applications requiring mul- tiparametric control.
Systems/Applications. The developed technolo- gies and devices will constitute useful tools to be used both on the experimental bench as well as in medical and clinical applications.
GBIO group has developed during the last few years an outstanding expertise in the design and fabrica- tion of Micro-Nano-Bio devices based either on sil- icon or biocompatible polymers. Biological signals obtained with these devices are usually subjected to post-acquisition conditioning and processing with the help of totally integrated systems.
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona · Contact: Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica Campus Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona · 08193 Bellaterra-Cerdanyola del Vallés
Tel.: +34 93 594 77 00 ext. 2459 · E.mail: [email protected]
CIBER-BBN I Annual report 2015 I 33

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