Page 95 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
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• Methods and techniques of electromagnetism applied to medical nanotechnology: modeling and characterization of the interactions of electromagnetic fields with biological tissues at different levels, and their applications; design of intelligent devices for therapy/diagnosis at micro-/nano level, and communications.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Talaminos A., López-Cerero L., Calvillo J., Pascual A., Roa L.m., Rodríguez-Bano J. Modelling the epidemiology of Escherichia coli ST131 and the impact of interventions on the community and healthcare centres. Epidemiology and Infection. 2016;1-9.
• Talaminos-Barroso A., Estudillo-Valderrama M.A., Roa L.M., Reina-Tosina J., Ortega-Ruiz F.. A Machine-to-Machine protocol benchmark for eHealth applications - Use case: Respiratory rehabilitation. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2016;129:1-11.
international extension patent “Intelligent bioimpedance sensor for biomedical applications”. National patent application: “Intelligent platform for the monitorization of body composition and assessment of the nutritional and hydration state of the user”. Press notes concerning patent P200201710 (fall detection) have been covered by 30+ newspapers and a tv report by Telemadrid. Contact with diverse social/health institutions (Sanitas Mayores, Atenzia). A collaboration agreement has been signed with Fundación ATAM for the validation of the prototype in groups of persons with different impairments. Participation in the international advisory board of project EPSILON (ATAM).
research and development of a prototype of smart shirt applied to the rehabilitation in COPD, in collaboration with the Unit of Respiratory Diseases (HUVR), within grant PI15/00306. Expression of interest of Prof. Félix del Campo (Hospital Río Hortega) to adapt the smart shirt to the monitorization of sleep apnea. Grant application to the Research Program at US for its implementation (approved), together with other grants for patent development. Ongoing validation for E-Nefro platform (grant DTS15/00195) in five hospitals. Given the number of patients under the program, it was necessary to extend the number of research nephrologists. Start of collaboration with Dr. Pablo Mir (IBIS) for the application of IBC techniques to neuromodulation (NeuroIBC intramural project). Ongoing collaboration with Drs. Álvaro Pascual and Jesús Rodríguez-Baño (HUVM), leading to a paper published in an international journal and another in review process.
Invited keynote lecture, Foro de los Consejos Sociales de las Universidades de Andalucía” (UCO). Other invited lectures: “Feminismo, masculinidades e ingeniería” (UCO), “Ingeniería y Accesibilidad” (Real Academia de Ingeniería).
PhD Thesis Dissertation of Dr. Amparo Callejón (with honors). Supervision of 4 end-of-degree thesis and 5 BSc thesis.
Prof. Laura M. Roa has been recipient of the “Premio Fama de la US a la trayectoria investigadora en el área de Ingeniería y Arquitectura”.
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