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Most relevant scientific articles
• Domingo-Almenara X., Brezmes J., Vinaixa M., Samino S., Ramírez N., Ramon-Krauel M. et al. ERah:
A Computational Tool Integrating Spectral Deconvolution and Alignment with Quantification and Identification of Metabolites in GC/MS-Based Metabolomics. Analytical Chemistry. 2016;88(19):9821-9829.
• Migliorelli C., Alonso J.F., Romero S., Mananas M.A., Nowak R., Russi A. Influence of metallic artifact filtering on MEG signals for source localization during interictal epileptiform activity. Journal of Neural Engineering. 2016;13(2).
• Varga A.W., Wohlleber M.E., Giménez S., Romero S., Alonso J.F., Ducca E.L. et al. Reduced slow- wave sleep is associated with high cerebrospinal fluid aβ42 levels in cognitively normal elderly. Sleep. 2016;39(11):2041-2048.
• Lozano M., Fiz J.A., Jané R. Automatic Differentiation of Normal and Continuous Adventitious Respiratory Sounds Using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Instantaneous Frequency. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2016;20(2):486-497.
• Estrada L., Torres A., Sarlabous L., Jané R. Improvement in Neural Respiratory Drive Estimation from Diaphragm Electromyographic Signals Using Fixed Sample Entropy. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2016;20(2):476-485.
The group has developed basic and translational research in the framework of the projects:
• “Multimodal physiological biomarkers for non-invasive monitoring and home healthcare of COPD patients
with comorbidities” (DPI2015-68820-R), 2016-18. PI: Raimon Jané.
• “Cost effective self-management of urinary incontinence addressed to women across Europe” (643535 -
WOMEN-UP, H2020), 2015-18. PI: Miguel Ángel Mañanas.
• “Serious games on heart failure patients. Estimation of their benefits on the Spanish health system”
(TEC2013-44666-R), 2014-15. PI: Pere Caminal, Alexandre Perera.
• “Design of methods for assessing processes of neurological and neuromuscular decline associated with
aging” (NEUROAGING, DPI2014-59049-R), 2015-17. PI: Miguel Ángel Mañanas.
• “Biomedical Signal Processing and Interpretation (BIOSPIN)” (2014 SGR 1569), 2014-16. PI: Raimon Jané.
• “Bioinformatics and Biomedical Signals Laboratory (B2SLab)” (2014 SGR 1063), 2014-16. PI: Alexandre
Furthermore, the group has participated in two intramural projects of the CIBER-BBN (2016-2017):
• M-OLDOSA: “Multimodal analysis and m-Health tools for diagnostic and monitoring improving of
Obstructive Lung Disease and Obstructive Sleep Apnea patients”. Coordinator: Raimon Jané Campos.
• MultiTools2Heart: “Multiscale computational tools to improve diagnosis, risk assessment and treatment in
prevalent heart diseases”. Coordinator: Juan Pablo Martínez Cortés. In addition, the following five doctoral theses have been presented:
• “Computational Representation and Discovery of Transcription Factor Binding Sites”. 01/02/2016.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Autor: Joan Maynou. Director: Alexandre Perera.
• “Multichannel analysis of normal and continuous adventitious respiratory sounds for the assessment of
pulmonary function in respiratory diseases”. 15/07/2016. UPC. Autor: Manuel Lozano. Director: Raimon Jané.
• “Analysis of the Interlimb similarity of motor patterns for improving stroke assessment and
neurorehabilitation”. 27/10/2016. UPC. Autor: Oiane Urra. Director/a: Alícia Casals, Raimon Jané.
• “Evaluación no invasiva del impulso neural respiratorio y su relación con la respuesta mecánica mediante el análisis de señales electromiográficas de músculos respiratorios”. 07/11/2016. UPC. Autor: Luis Estrada.
Director: Abel Torres.
• “Detección de Isquemia de Miocardio y Estudio de la Respuesta Autónoma Asociada mediante
Research Groups 63
Procesamiento de la Señal de EGG”. 29/11/2016. UPC. Autor: Rudys Magrans. Director: Pedro Gomis.