Page 30 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
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Coordinator: Jaume Veciana Miró
In 2016 the internal assessment of the units went on in order to assign economic incentives in accordance with the work done the previous year, in keeping with the established assessment protocol. Yet another year the search for external financing from both public and private sources was a priority.
The platform programme was presented to international bodies and partnering events, as well as national companies, private research foundations and public research bodies. Promotion material was given out at different visits to companies, research centres and industrial associations, as well as through MATERPLAT Spanish Technology Platform, in which the NANBIOSIS Coordinator has been requested to direct the Group for Innovation in Health, or the Spanish Biotechnology Platform. Similarly, participation was promoted
in international initiatives and infrastructures such as ETP Nanofutures, Eurobioimaging, ARBRE and the MOBIEU Cost Action. What is more, contacts have been got under way with EATRIS in order to establish cooperation.
A large number of national and international events were attended, including the Annual Conference on Research Platforms in Biomedicine, the Session on European Infrastructures (CTLS 2016) and partnering events such as Biospain for seeking associates, as well as having arranged a forum with groups from Turin University with over 70 B2B encounters. The First Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the NANBIOSIS was held to discuss the Strategic Infrastructure Plan, a meeting which was held coinciding with the Annual Sessions of the CIBER-BBN.
The follow-up of the cooperation work already under way with companies went on. Some examples of
this are the PHYTECH (INNPACTO) project, which ended in 2016 and in which two Spanish companies
and a unit from the programme are involved (Characterisation of surfaces and Calorimetry), the European BERENICE project (FP7), covering two units (for Molecular Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit and Medicine Formulation Unit), the TERET project (RETOS- COLABORACIÓN), in which two companies are taking part (Sylentis and LeadArtis) along with the Medicine Formulation Unit, and a further two groups of the CIBER-BBN, or the DRIVE Project (H2020) in which one unit is involved. In 2016 two new projects were granted in the RETOS-COLABORACIÓN call (Development of a new bioadhesive for pterygium surgery
and Development of bioprinting and biodye systems for three-dimensional regeneration of cartilage and bone) in which one unit of the NANBIOSIS is participating (Medicine formulation unit) and in which several companies are taking part, including Regemat, Bioibérica and AJL.
Thanks to the PRONANBIOSIS project, financed by the MINECO for consolidation and promotion of NANBIOSIS (in the call for Excellence networks) operating as ICTS (Unique Technical Scientific Structure) has been successfully consolidated. Several measures have been performed, such as drawing up the marketing plan (which is already being implemented) online promotion and presence on the social networks. A new person has also joined the programme to be able to carry out management tasks for the ICTS, such as for example processing 275 applications for access.
In an attempt to promote cooperation with companies, making our services more appealing, support has continued for units interested in certification to ISO 9001 standards. In 2016, the process for certifying several units was consolidated, so that units U6 (Molecular Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring) and U12 (Characterisation of nanostructured liquids) have obtained TECNIO Certification and U2 (Production of antibodies) is already in the process of obtaining this, while six units have ISO certification and three GLP certification.
As regards training work, we should highlight the agreement signed with the UAB to develop the practical work programme of the Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology programme at certain units of NANBIOSIS, as well as obtaining financing by means of a Marie Curie measure for one unit (U10).

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