Page 26 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
P. 26
Dissemination Programme
The 10th Annual CIBER-BBN Sessions were held in Seville on 27 to 29 November 2016, attended by around 200 researchers.
The Scientific Encounter was preceded the day before by a meeting of the director with the principal investigators of all the groups, where they shared relevant aspects about the centre’s progress (scientific programme, budget aspects, welcome to new groups, evaluation of the groups, projects under way, future actions planned, etc.)
The aim of these sessions was to provide an encounter for the whole CIBER-BBN community and foster communication and cooperation between the members of the research groups, identification of the points in common and exchange of ideas.
The content of the Sessions did not involve intramural projects as in previous years, but was instead in the form of thematic sessions along with clinical professionals from the field of cancer, traumatology and neurology. There was also a special session in which certain successful cases of the NANBIOSIS structure were put forward.
The programme also included two plenary sessions: “Nanomedicine and cancer”, by Professor Alberto Gabizon, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and “Redefining identity of disease, tissue and cells – A biomaterials paradigm”, by Professor Abhay Pandit from the National University of Ireland.
There were also presentations of the last three groups that joined CIBER-BBN at the calls for Strategic Action in Health for 2015 and 2016.
Members of our External Advisory Scientific Committee and the Medical Advisory Committee took part in this event. The Management Committee had a meeting with both advisory committees at the end of the sessions.
Other events to be stressed are the ones organised with Turin University, First of all, CIBER- BBN attended a joint meeting in March in Turin. To ensure continuity of the contacts identified, in November an encounter was arranged between CIBER-BBN researchers and units of the NANBIOSIS infrastructure with researchers from Turin University. The purpose of this event was to bring researchers from both institutions together to promote scientific cooperation and joint projects.
The event was held at the residence of CSIC researchers in Barcelona. Individual presentations of research groups from both the CIBER-BBN and Turin University were given and later on there was a session of bilateral encounters, with over 75 meetings planned.
Other events attended were:
• CTLS 2016 (Core Technologies for Life Science). Heidelberg (Germany), 12–15 June 2016.
• CLINAM 2016 (European Foundation for Clinical Nanomedicine). Basel (Switzerland), 26–29 June 2016.
• Biospain 2016 (8th International Meeting on Biotechnology). Bilbao, 28–30 September 2016.
• Annual Meeting of the ETPN (European Technology Platform of Nanomedicine). Heraklion (Greece), 12–14 October 2016.