Page 21 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
P. 21
Biomaterials and Advanced Therapies
Coordinator: Julio San Román del Barrio
In 2016, one European patent and one national patent were applied for. Three patents previously applied for (one European and two Spanish) were extended to PCT. One European patent previously extended to PCT was validated over the year in France, Germany, Italy, UK and Spain. One European patent and two Spanish patents have been licensed to companies.
The scientific production of articles, reviews, editorials and letters comes to around 170 publications, around 70% of which were in the first quartile and 21% in the first decile.
Financing has been achieved for several multidisciplinary research projects, stressing the cooperation
of several groups in the excellence network Research Network for the Development of Biofunctionalized Titanium Implants (BIOIMPLANT) led by the Biomaterials Centre of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, whose Principal Investigator is José Luis Gómez Ribelles, and in which the groups of George Altankov
from the IBEC, Marisa González from the Universidad de Extremadura, José Carlos Rodríguez from the BIOFORGE-UVA, and Nuria Vilaboa from the IDIPAZ are cooperating.
Financing has also been achieved for the RETOS - Colaboración Project Systems of 3D bioprinting and biodyes for three-dimensional regeneration of cartilage and bone, in which the Biomaterials Group of the ICTP-CSIC whose PI is Julio San Román, and NANBIOSIS-ICTS are cooperating. The project is coordinated by the BIOIBÉRICA company and the REGEMAT 3D company is also cooperating in this.
As regards high-impact scientific results, it should be mentioned that members of the research group led by Ángel Raya at the CMRB are coordinating a study which is proving that it is possible to convert skin cells of megakaryocytes with the same functions as the ones found in the human body, able to produce platelets, the cell types responsible for normal coagulation in the blood. This study has been published in the prestigious journal Cell Reports.
Dr María Vallet, who leads the Group for Investigation of Intelligent Biomaterials of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, has obtained an ERC Advanced Grant for developing a polyvalent mesoporous nanosystem for treatment of bone diseases. Dr Vallet is considered to be one of the 300 researchers most cited in the world of science and materials engineering according to the list drawn up by MSE Supplies (ranking based on the Elsevier Scopus database), and also the Fundación Lilly has acknowledged her scientific career with the Prize for a Distinguished Career in the Speciality of Chemistry.
In 2016 the company BeOnChip was set up, as a derivative of the GEMM-I3A group of the Universidad de Zaragoza, which internationally markets microfluidic devices for cell culture in biomimetic atmospheres.
Also in this research group, María Virumbrales obtained the prize for best oral communication at the Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Biomedicina (Valencia, 28-29 November).
This scientific programme continues to cooperate another year as Interested Party of the CAT-EMA (Comité de Terapias Avanzadas de la Agencia Española del Medicamento). We should stress the participation of CIBER-BBN in the IMI-EMA consultation on advanced therapies which was made during the second quarter of 2016, and whose results were discussed at the IMI Stakeholder Forum (Brussels, 29 September) giving ideas for the new IMI2 calls.
It has continued to cooperate with the CIBER-BBN initiative Young Scientist Forum on Biomaterials in the framework of its Annual Sessions.
Scientific Programmes 21