Page 11 - CIBER-BBN2016-ENG
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Significant activities
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
- Molecular links between diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders. PIE14/00061.
- Cohort study. Search for biomarkers for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease in the cohort of the
Vallecas project.
Funding agency: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
- 3 grants for contracts of Technical Support Personnel. PTA-2013-8426-I; PTA-2013-8849-I; PTA2014- 09466-I.
- Consolidation of the model for management and promotion of NANBIOSIS. PRONANBIOSIS. SAF2015- 69388- REDI.
- ANSHEART. The autonomic nervous system as modulator of cardiac function: integral research by signal processing and computational modelling. TIN2013-41998-R.
- TERARMET: Development of therapies for treatment of rare congenital metabolic diseases. RTC-2014- 2207-01.
- TERET. New treatments for retinal degenerative diseases. RTC-2014-2038-01.
- Nanoconductance of electron transfer proteins of the respiratory chain. Direct measurement at the single
molecular level and therapeutic regulation in cancer stem cells. nanoET-leukemia. CTQ2015-66194-R.
- Juan de la Cierva Grant for Training. FJCI-2015-27201.
- Development of systems of bioprinting and biodyes for three-dimensional regeneration of cartilage and bone. RTC-2016-5451-1.
- Development of a new bioadhesive for pterygium surgery. BIOTAPE. RTC-2016-4770-1.
- Purchase, installation and adjustment of the equipment for production and characterisation for complementing units: U3-Peptide Synthesis, U18-Nanotoxicology and U20- In vivo Experimentation. FICTS1420-02-20.
Other Funding agencies
- Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport: 2 Mobility grants José Castillejo. JC201500370; CAS16/00127.
- Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria: Optimisation of the cow’s dry period by means of protein nanoparticles. RTA2012-00028-C02-02.
- Regional Ministry for Education, Research, Culture and Sport. Generalitat Valenciana. Subsidy for contracting predoctoral research staff. ACIF/2016/023.
- Benznidazol and Triazol Research group for Nanomedicine and Innovation on Chagas disease. BERENICE (FP7).
- Neurological recordings with Graphene. NEUROGRAPHENE (H2020). 9140.
- Graphene-based disruptive technologies. GrapheneCore1 (FP7) 696656.
- Diabetes Reversing Implants with enhanced Viability and long-term Efficacy Project. DRIVE (H2020). 645991-2.
- E-MEDIVIP: E-learning platform for medical informatics to improve vocational and ICT practice. 2015-1-TR01-KA202-022634 E. Erasmus+.
organisation 11
- Remote assessment of disease and relapse in central nervous system disorders. RADAR-CNS (IMI2). In cooperation with the CIBERSAM.

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