Page 95 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Research groups
Most relevant scientific articles
RODRIGUEZ-CABELLO J.C., ARIAS F.J., RODRIGO M.A., GIROT- TI A.. Elastin-like polypeptides in drug delivery. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. 2015.
INOSTROZA-BRITO K.E., COLLIN E., SITON-MENDELSON O., SMITH K.H., MONGE-MARCET A., FERREIRA D.S. ET AL. Co-As- sembly, spatiotemporal control and morphogenesis of a hybrid protein-peptide system. Nature Chemistry. 2015;7(11):897-904.
SáNCHEZ-FERRERO A., MATA A., MATEOS-TIMONEDA M.A., RODRIGUEZ-CABELLO J.C., ALONSO M., PLANELL J. ET AL. Development of tailored and self-mineralizing citric ac- id-crosslinked hydrogels for in situ bone regeneration. Bio- materials. 2015;68:42-53.
In 2015 BIOFORGE’s funding came from 13 research projects and 2 networks with different funding sourc- es. As for the Projects, BIOFORGE participated in 6 European projects funded by the European Com- mission (FP7-NMP-2010, FP7-Health-2011, FP7- ITN-2012, H2020-ITN-2014 and H2020-NMP-2014) and ERA-NET (ERA-IB); 4 national projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Comepetitivi- ty (3 of them belonging to the Programme Societal Challenges and one International Complementary Action); and 3 regional projects funded by the Min- istries of Education and Health of the Regional Gon- vernment of Castilla y León. As far as the Networks is concerned, BIOFORGE took part in 2 Biomaterial Networks funded by the Carlos III Health Institute (CI- BER-BBN and Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy Network of Castilla y León).
In this period, 18 articles were published in interna- tional journals, 16 of them in indexed high impact journals. Furthermore, one national patent applica- tions was filled in Italy (PZ2015A000004).
DE TORRE I.G., WOLF F., SANTOS M., RONGEN L., ALONSO M., JOCKENHOEVEL S. ET AL. Elastin-like recombinam- er-covered stents: Towards a fully biocompatible and non-thrombogenic device for cardiovascular diseases. Acta Biomaterialia. 2015;12(1):146-155.
FERNáNDEZ-COLINO A., ARIAS F.J., ALONSO M., RODRI- GUEZ-CABELLO J.C. Amphiphilic Elastin-Like Block Co-Re- combinamers Containing Leucine Zippers: Cooperative Interplay between Both Domains Results in Injectable and Stable Hydrogels. Biomacromolecules. 2015;16(10):3389- 3398.
The group members attended many scientific meet- ings giving around 15 oral presentations and 4 invit- ed plenary talks.
One PhD thesis with European mention was present- ed by the researcher Israel González, who received the highest qualification. Moreover, this thesis was awarded with the European Prize Julia Polak European Doctorate Award 2015 and the Extraordinary Doctoral Award 2015 of the University of Valladolid.
Also in 2015, BIOFORGE received the Award for Health of Castilla y Leon issued by Sanitaria 2000 and Janssen in the category of Research Activity.
The training activities of the group included invited conferences and contributing to four master pro- grams of the University of Valladolid.
Institution: Universidad de Valladolid · Contact: Centro de Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, Campus Miguel Delibes, Po de Belén, 1. 47011 Valladolid E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
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