Page 30 - CIBERBBN-2015-eng
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Combined platforms of the CIBER-BBN/ ICTS NANBIOSIS
In 2015 the internal assessment of the units went on, in order to assign the economic incentives in ac- cordance with the work done the previous year, as laid down in the established assessment protocol. Yet another year, the search for external financing, both from public and private sources, was a prior- ity matter. The presentation of the programme of platforms was carried out at international bodies and partnering events, as well as at national com- panies, private research foundations and public research bodies. Promotion material was distribut- ed on different visits to companies, research cen- tres and industrial associations, as well as through participation at the Spanish Technology Platform MATERPLAT, the Spanish Biotechnology Platform and the Council for European BioRegions (CEBR). Similarly, participation at international initiatives and infrastructures such as ETP Nanofutures, Eurobio- imaging, ARBRE and the Cost MOBIEU Action was promoted.
A large number of national and international events were attended: Conferencia Anual de las Platforms de Investigación en Biomedicina, Jornada de Infraestruc- turas Europeas and different brokerage events for seeking partners.
Operating as ICTS (Unique Technical Scientific In- frastructure) has been successfully consolidated. The framework agreement of the ICTS between the CIBER and the CCMIJU, containing the statutes of the ICTS NANBIOSIS, was approved during the first quarter of 2015. In July 2015 the official launching took place with the presentation of NANBIOSIS in Barcelona, with institutional representation of MI- NECO and ISCIII. The presentation of NANBIOSIS coincided with the launching of a web page and a dissemination dossier.
The cooperation schemes got under way with com- panies were followed up. Some examples of these are the PHYTECH (INNPACTO) project, in which two Spanish companies and a unit from the programme (Characterisation of surfaces and Calorimetry) are involved; the European project BERENICE, which includes two units (Biomaterial Processing and Na- nostructuring Unit and Medicine Formulation Unit) or the TERET project (RETOS-COLABORACIÓN),
in which two companies took part (Sylentis and LeadArtis) along with the Medicine Formulation Unit and a further two groups of the CIBER-BBN. The DRIVE project (H2020) was granted, in which one unit is involved. Financing from MINECO was also obtained for consolidating and promoting NANBIO- SIS (call for Excellence Networks).
An application for cooperation projects with com- panies and units from the programme has been received.
In an attempt to promote cooperation with compa- nies, making our services become more attractive, the support for units interested in certification to ISO 9001 standard has continued. In 2015 the protein production unit succeeded in obtaining ISO certifi- cation, the procedure for certifying the in vivo exper- imentation unit has been consolidated and the pro- cess for the Nanostructured Liquid Characterisation Unit and Surface Characterisation Unit has started.
Cooperation with other platforms:
• Platform of the Instituto Universitario en Nano- ciencia de Aragón (INA).
• Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón.
• Unidad de Imagen de CIC biomaGUNE.
• BIONAND (Centro Andaluz de Nanomedicine y Bi- otecnología).
• Laboratorio Internacional de Nanotecnología (INL). Braga, Portugal.
30 I Annual report 2015 I CIBER-BBN

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